Archivi tag: Nichts

Osservazioni sulla «tavola del nulla» di Kant


Claude Romano

(Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris IV)

Abstract: The «table of nothing» occupies a prominent role within the Critique of Pure Reason, since it is there that Kant brings into play the very meaning of transcendental philosophy. However, even though the Kantian conception of nothing marks the peculiarity of critical philosophy, the vocabulary that expresses it inexorably invokes the tradition in which Kant works. The text, in fact, unveils its deep bond to Baumgarten’s Metaphysica, to Wolff, as well as to Medieval Scholastics. Such a bond marks Kantian philosophy in a twofold way: it … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 2 | Lascia un commento

Metafisiche del nulla: Schopenhauer, i suoi discepoli e l’inconsistenza del mondo


Fabio Ciracì

(Università del Salento)

Friedriche A walk at dusk
Abstract: Schopenhauer’s metaphysics leads to a double nullity of the world: as a phenomenon, d.i. fleeting appearances, and as noumenon, because the Wille has to be redeemed by Nichtsein. Schopenhauer’s disciples (Hartmann, Bahnsen and Mäinlander) will give the Nichtsein an absolute ontological value, as a principle of redemption or metaphysical essence of reality.
Keywords: Nichtsein; Nichts; Hartmann; Mainländer; Bahnsen.

  1. Dal Kant verso il nichilismo idealistico

Esiste ormai una nutrita letteratura critica circa la natura teoretica che Schopenhauer attribuirebbe al … Continua a leggere

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