Condividi e segnala
- Althusser
- Antropologia
- Baumgarten
- Bourdieu
- Conceivability of Nothingness
- Conciliation
- corpo
- Derrida
- Dialectics
- Difference
- distinzione
- Europe
- Expression
- giudizio
- Grace
- Habitus
- Heidegger
- Hobbes
- Kant
- linguaggio
- Lyotard
- marxismo
- Medieval Aristotelianism
- Metaphysics
- Nature
- Negative
- Nichts
- nihil
- Nihilism
- nihil negativum
- nihil privativum
- Non-identical
- Nothing
- Nothingness
- onore
- politica
- postmoderno
- pratica
- riconoscimento
- Smith
- solitudine
- Sovranità
- Spinoza
- Thomas Aquinas
- Western Ontology
Articoli recenti
Archivi tag: Jaspers
Equivocità del nulla in Karl Jaspers
Roberto Garaventa
(Università di Chieti-Pescara)
Abstract: This paper analyses the various meanings the word ‘nothing’ assumes in the work of Karl Jaspers: the nothing of nihilism, that is the absence of a horizon of meaning able to give substance to life and activity of man; the nothing of death, which arouses horror and resistance in the concrete individual; the objective nothing, which is unthinkable by man like the simple being; and the nothing of the authentic, transcendent being, which unfolds itself to man in borderline situations and offers him the freedom to exist in an … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 2
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