Condividi e segnala
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- nihil privativum
- Non-identical
- Nothing
- Nothingness
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- Spinoza
- Thomas Aquinas
- Western Ontology
Articoli recenti
Archivi tag: epistemologia
“Questa testa di Medusa dentro”. Politiche della delegittimazione ne ‘Il dissidio’ di J.-F. Lyotard
Sergio Alloggio
This article is the first part of a two-part essay that approaches Lyotard’s masterpiece Le différend aiming at a structural reconfiguration of the book itself. The second part of the essay will appear in the next issue of Consecutio temporum. As a general introduction to the Lyotardian emphasis on judgment, I use a self-absolutory confession made by Derrida in his Before the Law, a confession on the decisive role played by judging in Derrida’s own deconstructive enterprise as a whole. The Differend is then genealogically analyzed to show how a specific ontology, epistemology and … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Lessico della postmodernità
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Contrassegnato Derrida, epistemologia, giudizio, linguaggio, Lyotard, postmoderno, realismo, sofistica