Recensione a Francesco Tibursi, Figure della ragione (Mimesis, 2019)

Luca Micaloni

Università di Roma Sapienza

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Consecutio rerum 6, anno III (2/2018-2019)

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a cura di Roberto Finelli e Pierluigi Marinucci

Immagine di copertina: Valeria Cademartori, Dismissioni, 2007. Su gentile concessione dell’autrice.
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ROBERTO FINELLI, Paradigma della “Tecnica” e paradigma del “Capitale”


  • Storia delle idee

ROBERTO FINELLI, La dottrina della verità senza la dottrina della città. Per una critica della teoria heideggeriana della tecnica.
MARIANNINA FAILLA, La techne medica tra innovazione e anticipazione
MARTA LIBERTÀ DE BASTIANI, La politica come téchne. Storia antica e pragmatismo politico nel Tacitismo e in Botero.
NURIA SÁNCHEZ MADRID, Una técnica verosímil para explorar el ánimo. El pensamiento incosciente en las Lecciones sobre antropología de Kant
MARCO COSTANTINI, Il giudizio, la natura, la tecnica. Frammenti di ricerca sulla filosofia
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Editoriale. Paradigma della “Tecnica” e paradigma del “Capitale”


Roberto Finelli

Università degli Studi Roma Tre

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La dottrina della verità senza la dottrina della città. Per una critica della teoria heideggeriana della tecnica.


Roberto Finelli

Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Valeria Cademartori, Dismissioni, 2007. Su gentile concessione dell’autrice.

Abstract: Martin Heidegger’s philosophy linked the question of “technique” with the reproposal, in modern terms, of the ancient and medieval category of Being. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate 1) that the conception of Being as an absolute principle of reality belongs to a primitive and archaic stage of Greek philosophy, still profoundly influenced by a culture of magism and language; 2) that the principle of an ontology distorted by an inadequate philosophy of language cannot be … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 6 | Lascia un commento

La techne medica tra innovazione e anticipazione


Mariannina Failla

Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Abstract: The following words are not meant to be new, and after all they cannot be if we think that the new has “always an ancient heart”, as Carlo Levi wrote in one of his books, bringing out the Jewish meaning of memory as the formation of civil consciousness. If not new, they don’t give up innovative reflections on medical art and therefore on the techne addressed to the human being, understood as a psycho-physical complex and not as a body machine. We want to highlight the precious … Continua a leggere

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La politica come techne. Storia antica e pragmatismo politico nel Tacitismo e in Botero


Marta Libertà De Bastiani

Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Abstract: In this paper I argue that, following Machiavellian tradition and theory of politics, the authors who may be labelled as Tacitists understand politics as a téchne, a set of governmental practices and techniques oriented towards the maintaining of political order. These practices, which compose the virtue of prudence, are defined through the consideration of historical experience as a theater, a stage where every political problem and its proper solution has already been shown. In Tacitists’ treatises, the historical facts, mainly excerpted from Tacitus and the … Continua a leggere

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Una técnica verosímil para explorar el ánimo. El pensamiento incosciente en las Lecciones sobre antropología de Kant


Nuria Sánchez Madrid

Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Abstract: This paper aims at giving an account of Kant’s treatment of unconscious representations in his Lectures on Anthropology and Logic, highlighting Kant’s disavowal of a theoretical inquiry of this kind of representations of the mind and his claim of the existence of a pragmatic technique for addressing them. First I tackle Kant’s misgivings against the hypothesis to cast light over the dark side of the mind, drawing as conclusion that the logical unity of apperception remains the unique path giving access to it. Second I give … Continua a leggere

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Il giudizio, la natura, la tecnica. Frammenti di ricerca sulla filosofia critica di Kant


Marco Costantini

Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”


Abstract: The contribution consists of some fragments that examine, within the Kantian critical texts, in particular within the Kritik der reinen Vernunft and the Kritik der Urteilskraft, three different types of judgment, the aesthetic, the artistic and the teleological, in the attempt to bring out the fundamental connection that the judgment in general tightens with a certain concept of nature and a certain concept of technique, which cannot be traced to the universal mechanism defined by the pure intellect.
Keywords: Kant; Judgment; Nature; … Continua a leggere

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The First and Modern Notion of Technology: from Linnaeus to Beckmann to Marx


Guido Frison

UCL, Department of Anthropology;


Abstract: The paper shows that the English language has great limitations in the treatment of the concept technology, and provides a rough but necessary taxonomy of the main uses of the term ‘technology’ in the present Anglo-Saxon debate on social sciences and humanities. Then, it shows the first steps of the modern notion of technology, which formerly referred to rhetoric and philology. Christian Wolff (1679 – 1754) introduced the notion of Technologia (in Latin) with little success within a philosophical essay in 1728. The actual development of technology (… Continua a leggere

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La tecnologia al servizio del capitale. La teoria marxiana della tecnologia alla luce dell’interpretazione di Raniero Panzieri


Andrea Cengia

Università degli Studi di Padova


Abstract: This paper is a part of a larger research included in my PhD dissertation. The main aim of the paper is to define an outline of a theory of technology as a part of a critique of political economy. The starting point is identified in the work of Raniero Panzieri, who in the early Sixties combines theoretical analysis of Marx’s Capital with the factory investigation. Panzieri’s research indicates the non-neutrality of Technology applied to production processes. Panzieri’s conclusions lead to return to Marx theory. Starting from these … Continua a leggere

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Intelligenza artificiale e algoritmi: datificazione, politica, epistemologia


Teresa Numerico

Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Abstract: The aim of the present paper is to show the evolution of the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and of the different technical methods that progressively informed and organized this concept. The article presents a view of the evolution of such a notion: 1) with special regards to the social, political and epistemological consequences of the chosen technical solutions, 2) with special attention to the parallel transformation of the human intelligence concept. The recent major successes of AI are based on datification and availability of huge quantity … Continua a leggere

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L’uomo senza dimensione. Viaggio intorno agli ossimori del “mondo digitale”


Carmelo Albanese

Sapienza Università di Roma


Abstract: One-dimensional man of which Marcuse wrote is the ancestor of the contemporary digital man, who through the progressive loss of critical capacity is no longer anchored even to that single dimension which the author already indicated as the collapse of human rationality. In the seventies of the twentieth century, capitalism sought to overcome the resistance of public opinion in the face of technological productions functional to the war, formulating oxymorons that aspired to become customary terms: the “father of the H-bomb”. In the absurd synthesis of terms attributable … Continua a leggere

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Intervista a Gerhard Banse su “Tecnica e Tecnologia”


a cura di Roberto Finelli e Pierluigi Marinucci

Gerhard Banse

Berlin Centre Technology & Culture

Roberto Finelli

Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Pierluigi Marinucci

Sapienza Università di Roma


Bionote: Gerhard Banse is President of the Leibniz-Sozietät (Berlin). He was a member of the Karlsrhuer Institut fur Technologie and of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic. He edited the entries Technik e Technologie of the Wörterbuch zu den philosophischen Fragen der Naturwissenschaften (Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983). He is one of the most prominent researcher about Technology and its polysemous significance. … Continua a leggere

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The Politics of (Postcolonial) History: The case of Provincializing Europe


Vasant Kaiwar

Duke University


Abstract: The critique of what is called postcolonial-studies in the Anglophone metropolitan academy that is elaborated in this paper, takes place via a detailed engagement with one of its most important recent texts, Dipesh Chakrabarty’s Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference (2000). It is intended to enable fresh critical thinking about the claims of postcolonial-studies to represent a subversive approach to history, politics, etc. It also engages the claims of postcolonial-studies regarding the limits of Eurocentrism, i.e. the tendency to view world history through the lens of European developments. The … Continua a leggere

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La “nuda vita” in Aristotele A partire da Giorgio Agamben


Giulia Angelini

Università degli Studi di Padova


Abstract: This paper focuses on the Agambenian interpretation of Aristotle, which arises from the analysis of the relation between “ζωὴ” and “βίος” and of the figure of the slave. The aim of the work is the following: on the one hand, we will follow Agamben and his revision of the Aristotelian thought, which leads him to elaborate the crucial notion of “bare life”; on the other hand, we will verify whether the possibility to trace such a notion back to Aristotle is legitimate.
Keywords: Agamben; “Bare … Continua a leggere

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Dal riconoscimento al socialismo: la teoria della giustizia di Axel Honneth


Francesco Leone

Università degli Studi di Bari


Abstract: The aim of this paper is to retrace the philosophical developments of Axel Honneth’s social theory after his rediscovery of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. In Freedom’s Right, Honneth’s original normative theory of society based on recognition leaves room for a normative theory of institutions grounded on the concept of social freedom. Honneth uses the Hegelian methodological procedure of normative reconstruction to develop a theory of justice based on social analysis. The resort of a teleological philosophy of history makes possible the normative reconstruction and justify … Continua a leggere

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Recensione a Marco Maurizi, Quanto lucente la tua inesistenza. L’Ottobre, il Sessantotto e il socialismo che viene (Jacabook 2018)


Domizio Saquella

Università degli Studi di Bologna

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Recensione a Cathy O’Neil, Armi di distruzione matematica (Bompiani, 2017


Andrea Chiantini

Sapienza Università di Roma

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Recensione a Flavio Luzi, Quodlibet. Il problema della presupposizione nell’ontologia politica di Giorgio Agamben (Stamen, 2017)


Giorgio Astone

Sapienza Università di Roma

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Consecutio rerum 5, anno III (1/2018-2019)

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Marx inattuale

a cura di Riccardo Bellofiore e Carla Maria Fabiani

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Pubblicato in NUMERO 5 | 1 commento



RICCARDO BELLOFIORE, C’è vita su Marx? Il Capitale nel bicentenario


Questioni di metodo

MICHAEL HEINRICH, Rileggendo Marx: nuovi testi e nuove prospettive
TOMMASO REDOLFI RIVA, A partire dal sottotitolo del Capitale: Critica e metodo della critica dell’economia politica
FRIEDER OTTO WOLF, Systematic Theory Building and Empirico-Historical Argument in Marx’s Capital
STEFANO BREDA, La dialettica marxiana come critica immanente dell’empiria
ELENA LOUISA LANGE, The Proof is in the Pudding: on the Necessity of Presupposition in Marx’s Critical Method
BOB JESSOP, ‘Every beginning is difficult, holds in all sciences’. Marx on the Economic Cell
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Pubblicato in NUMERO 5 | 3 commenti

C’è vita su Marx? Il Capitale nel bicentenario


Riccardo Bellofiore

Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Abstract: The article suggests a reconstruction of Marx’s Critique of Political Economy as a macro-monetary theory of capitalist production. The first part of what follows will provide a sort of methodological introduction to Das Kapital. I am questioning the meaning of critique versus criticism, the distinction between fetish-character and fetishism, the role of dialectics, and the difference between reading, interpretation and reconstruction. I will focus especially on Volume I. At the centre of the discussion are: the multiple meanings of abstract labour and socialization, the role … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Introduzione, NUMERO 5 | 1 commento

Rileggendo Marx: nuovi testi e nuove prospettive


Michael Heinrich*

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Permettetemi di iniziare con un’osservazione personale sulla mia lettura de Il capitale. Sono circa 43 anni che leggo Il capitale, e devo dire che non mi sono ancora annoiato. Leggerlo è come compiere un avventuroso viaggio intellettuale, ma per godere appieno di quest’esperienza è richiesto un tipo di impegno diverso da quello a cui ci ha ormai abituato il sistema universitario europeo, per il quale «leggere» significa solamente individuare in maniera grossolana alcune delle tesi principali esposte in un’opera.

Leggere Il capitale significa comprenderne la … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | 2 commenti

A partire dal sottotitolo del Capitale: Critica e metodo della critica dell’economia politica


Tommaso Redolfi Riva*

Abstract: The aim of the paper is to explain the concept of «critique of political economy» (CPE) in Marx’s mature work. Starting from the different meanings CPE assumes, I will try to explain the peculiarities of such a critical project. In particular, I will focus the attention on CPE as a critique of capital as objective-subjective totality: on the one side, as a system of social production whose aim is the valorisation of capital, based on the appropriation of unpaid labour and generating a system of socialisation of production increasingly … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | 1 commento

Systematic Theory Building and Empirico-Historical Argument in Marx’s Capital


Frieder Otto Wolf

Freie Universität Berlin

Abstract: Marx’s conception of the ideal average provides an approach to a productive re-discussion of Marx’s epistemological practice in Capital. As a specific approach to systematic theory-building underlying Marx’s critique of political economy it opens a way, with the implied distinction between systematic theory building and empirico-historical exemplification and analysis, it makes it possible today to reconstruct Marx’s «materialist dialectics». More specifically it is claimed, that Marx’s insights into the «limits of dialectical presentation» should be interpreted in a way that makes his «dialectics» compatible with modern, post-fregean … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento

La dialettica marxiana come critica immanente dell’empiria


Stefano Breda

Freie Universität Berlin

Abstract: The paper aims to show that a materialist understanding of the method followed by Marx in his critique of political economy requires going beyond both the traditional logical-historical interpretation of dialectics and the logical-systematic interpretation developed within the Neue Marx-Lektüre.
Keywords: Marx; dialectics; materialism; Neue Marx-Lektüre; immanent critique
1. Un campo di tensione teorica
La questione della specificità del metodo dialettico seguito da Marx nella sua critica dell’economia politica rispetto a una dialettica idealista è stata al centro di accesi dibattiti … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento

The Proof is in the Pudding: on the Necessity of Presupposition in Marx’s Critical Method


Elena Louisa Lange*

University of Zurich

Abstract: Marx’s labour theory of value cannot be understood without the critique of the value theories of classical political economy, especially that of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. It is therefore by necessity inflicted with the presupposition of its own intellectual context. Presupposition however is not only central to the formation of the labour theory of value as «analogous to Newton’s Laws in mechanics» (Duncan Foley) in the realm of social science. Presupposition, a strong Hegelian topos, also basically informs the level of Marx’s critique as the … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 5, Questioni di metodo | Lascia un commento