“Un popolo innumerevole”. Frantz Fanon e l’invenzione di una nazione


Stefano Visentin


Università di Urbino “Carlo Bo”






Abstract: The entire work of Frantz Fanon is traversed by a theoretical and political critique of the method of the humanities and social sciences, accused of legitimizing European colonial rule. The struggle for the liberation of colonized peoples is thus intertwined with the construction of a new political conceptuality, based on the “direct protagonism” of the damned of the earth. Through the material and symbolic-linguistic mobilization generated by the struggle, the people take on the task of “inventing” a nation through built on new collective behaviors … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Figure del popolo tra XIX e XX secolo, NUMERO 8 | Lascia un commento

A Just People, or Just the People? Althusser, Foucault and Juridical Ideology


Alberto Toscano


Goldsmiths University of London






Abstract:The return of the figure of the people to the forefront of radical theorising in France can be contextualised and complicated by contrasting it with the relative hostility or indifference to it in the ambit of la pensée soixante-huit. For a spell, the people was largely displaced by collective formations that sought to escape the nation-state cage of political modernity, not just antagonistic conceptions of class, but all kinds of groups, movements, multiplicities, minorities, etc. This essay probes two theoretical episodes that can contribute to … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Figure del popolo tra XIX e XX secolo, NUMERO 8 | Lascia un commento

Popolo, domande sociali e istituzioni populiste. Populismo in e oltre Laclau


Rocco Picciotto Maniscalco


Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo




                     George Segal



Abstract: The main objective of this essay is to critically analyze part of the thought of Ernesto Laclau, one of the most important South American intellectuals of the last decades, especially referring to one of his most important works: On Populist Reason. The text will be divided into 3 parts: in the first one, I will briefly introduce the thought of the Argentine philosopher, highlighting the most problematic parts and less consistent with the theoretical framework of Laclau himself. … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 8, Presenza e assenza del popolo nel dibattito politico contemporaneo | Lascia un commento

Dal popolo ai suoi soggetti: cittadini, denizens, lavoratori nell’epoca neoliberista


Giorgio Cesarale


Università degli Studi di Venezia Ca’ Foscari





Abstract: Is neoliberalism a threat to citizenship? This question is answered with the help of Bryan S. Turner’s analysis of the contemporary obsolescence of citizenship in a market-driven society. According to him, the neoliberal citizen has become similar to the denizen, because the former now enjoys less rights; his/her ethical belonging to the State and the people has been weakened; he/she does not participate in political opinion- and will-formation. The argument of this article, though, is that citizenship itself must be re-examined, re-framing it as … Continua a leggere

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Da Olympe de Gouges alla Rojava. La critica femminista del popolo tra differenza e uguaglianza


Roberta Ferrari


Università degli Studi di Bologna





Abstract: To understand the feminist critique of the concept of people means reconstructing the semantics of a struggle on the body of the nation, exploring the relationship, the paradoxes and the contradictions between equality and difference. It means showing the external and internal struggle waged constantly against the political neutralization and the social valorization of the difference by political, social and economic institutions. Above all it means questioning the problem of political unity and the way in which the feminist critique has unveiled its patriarchal character. … Continua a leggere

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I popoli mancati del momento populista e le sfide dell’eterogeneità


Adalgiso Amendola


Università degli Studi di Salerno






Abstract: According to many interpreters, since 2015 we live a “populist moment”. With “populist moment”, they intend to bring very different movements to a common matrix, the reaction to neoliberalism. In a “populist moment”, it would be inevitable, also for progressive and emancipatory movements, express their social demands in populist language. But, on one hand, populist movements are internal responses in the crisis of neoliberalism, more that an opposition to neoliberalism. On the other hand, populism cannot resume heterogeneity and multiplicity of emerging political subjectivies into the … Continua a leggere

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Aldo Natoli. Storia di un comunista senza partito


Oscar Oddi



      Comizio di Giancarlo Pajetta e Aldo Natoli dopo l’attentato a Togliatti. Luglio 1948

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Una critica del capitale messa in versi. La poesia civile di Cristina Corradi. Recensione a Cristina Corradi, “Destini Capitali” (Ensemble 2020)


Roberto Finelli


Università degli Studi di Roma Tre




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R. Jaeggi, R. Celikates, Filosofia sociale. Una introduzione (Le Monnier, 2018)


Mattia Di Pierro



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Francesco Toto, Laetitia Simonetta et Giorgio Bottini (dir.), Entre nature et histoire: Mœurs et coutumes dans la philosophie (Classiques Garnier, 2017)


Catherine Dromelet




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Consecutio rerum 7, anno IV (1/2019-2020)

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Filosofia e malattia mentale

a cura di Mariannina Failla e Francesca Iannelli

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MARIANNINA FAILLA, Il caleidoscopio della psiche




FRANCESCA FANTASIA, Il mondo perduto. Follia e senso comune nell’Antropologia di Kant
CATERINA MAURER, Il contributo dello studio delle malattie magnetiche al superamento del dualismo anima-corpo. Una lettura hegeliana
MARIANNINA FAILLA, Dormire, vegliare e sognare: le vie della follia nell’antropologia di Hegel
ROSSELLA BONITO OLIVA, Nelle pieghe del soggettivo. La trama longitudinale e trasversale dello psichico
FABIO SULPIZIO, La crisi della malinconia. Philosophie e medicina in Philippe Pinel
SEHRII GRYSHKAN, Dialektisch-spekulatives Konzept der psychischen Norm in der Psychoanalyse
ROBERTO FINELLI, Una metafisica troppo
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Editoriale. Il caleidoscopio della psiche

Mariannina Failla




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Il mondo perduto. Follia e senso comune nell’Antropologia di Kant

Francesca Fantasia

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin/Università degli studi di Palermo.


Abstract: This paper aims at foregrounding the Kantian conception of mental illness as a “disorder and deviation from the rule of the use of reason” (AA 07:216) and thus to examine this peculiar meaning of mental illness as a pathology of consciousness, where the latter is understood as the central structure of subjectivity guiding its theoretical, practical, and aesthetic actions. The starting point of this analysis is Kant’s systematic presentation of mental illnesses in his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (1798), which I will explore … Continua a leggere

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Il contributo dello studio delle malattie magnetiche al superamento del dualismo anima-corpo. Una lettura hegeliana

Caterina Maurer

Università di Trento

Abstract: This paper aims to show how Hegel’s interest in magnetic pathologies led him to focus on the mind-body problem as well as on the relation between rationality and preconsciousness. By analyzing the physiological side or basis of the magnetic state, it will emerge that these pathologies afflict both mind (Seele) and body. A closer look at the description of the organic disease given in the Philosophy of Nature will reveal that the psychic pathologies that Hegel describes in the Anthropology result from an uncontrolled reactivation of the subject’s preconscious … Continua a leggere

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Dormire, vegliare e sognare: le vie della follia nell’antropologia di Hegel

Mariannina Failla

Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Abstract: The essay starts from the role that the sleep/wake relationship plays in the sentimental dynamics: perceptive and judgmental, therefore at the dawn of the forms of self-awareness of the individual soul. We are in the context of the concrete feeling of self. In this context madness involves the contrast between the organic relationality of each psycho-body activity, what we could indicate as the totality of the concrete feeling of self, and sclerotization and fixation in the perceptual particularity imposed by the body to the idealizing activity of the soul. … Continua a leggere

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Nelle pieghe del soggettivo. La trama longitudinale e trasversale dello psichico

Rossella Bonito Oliva

Università degli Studi l’Orientale di Napoli


Abstract: Philosophy of the Subjective Spirit is an important theme in Hegel’s work. It thoroughly permeated his studies: a matter of continuous reworking in its specific subject. It is recalled in the philosophies of law, religion, history, and in the science of logic. Each of these moments, from soul to spirit, from unconscious to spirit, requires the philosopher’s observation and attention. It is not about creating a hierarchy or a progression, but rather observing an open scene, in which adventures and misadventures of Subjectivity evolve. This activity involves exploring … Continua a leggere

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La crisi della malinconia. Philosophie e medicina in Philippe Pinel

Fabio A. Sulpizio

Università del Salento


Abstract: For Philippe Pinel, the concept of melancholy is one of the key methods for understanding not only a specific mental illness but also the new map of mental alienation. However, as Hegel shows in his work, the madness is not only a moment of growth in the history of the mind, but also a pattern of scientific intellect that builds a new science of the mind that is a science of humanity. It is the melancholy, however, with its complex and rich history, which represents the testbed of the nascent … Continua a leggere

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Dialektisch-spekulatives Konzept der psychischen Norm in der Psychoanalyse

Sehrii Gryshkan

Bergische Universität Wuppertal


Abstract: There is a controversial question in psychology in general and in psychoanalysis in particular concerning the definition of what is a psychic norm. This article aims to make a contribution to this discussion. The thesis of the article could be formulated in the following way: The psychic norm in Freud’s works corresponds to dialectic-speculative processes whereas the pathological, although it is also dialectic in its essence, does not reach a speculative level. I support this thesis in the following way: (1) Firstly, I briefly summarize what Hegel means by positive-rational or … Continua a leggere

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Una metafisica troppo ‘nobile’ del desiderio: A. Kojève e J. Lacan

Roberto Finelli

Università di Roma Tre

Light Shadow Balls Study by Karkade on DeviantArt


Abstract: It is indisputable the enormous influence on French culture that had the Hegelian reading advanced by A. Kojève during the 30s of the last century. Finelli’s essay intends to criticize the basic approach of the Russian-French author and his claim to place the dialectical relationship of lord and servant at the beginning of history. Finelli’s aim is to demonstrate that the “absolute denial”, assigned to the lord in the Phenomenology of the spirit, cannot be a presupposition, as Kojève thought, but can only be a “place”, historically determined, … Continua a leggere

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Real and immanence in cinema

Daniela Angelucci

Università di Roma Tre

Abstract: The pair Real and Immanence makes reference to two concepts employed respectively by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and the philosopher Gilles Deleuze. My proposal is that there is a strong affinity between these two concepts, and that they can contribute to clarifying a specific capacity of art, in particular that of cinema. According to scholars who criticize the application of psychoanalysis to the arts, psychoanalysis always misses what should be its object – the work of art – studying the artist’s unconscious (or characters’ unconscious) or the unconscious of the … Continua a leggere

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Hegel and Foucault on Rameau’s Nephew. The Discrimen between Madness and Mental Illness as Biopolitical Threshold

Ugo Balzaretti

Institut des Humanités dans la Médecine, Université de Lausanne – CHUV



Abstract: In dealing with the Hegelian conception of folly, Michel Foucault does not focus primarily on the anthropology of the Encyclopedia that praised Philippe Pinel’s therapeutic revolution. Foucault is more interested in the Phenomenology of Spirit and in its interpretation of Diderot’s satire Rameau’s Nephew. Accordingly, he investigates madness not on the basis of the soul as the still natural state of consciousness, but rather in the heart of the spirit itself when it is already articulated as social praxis, language and … Continua a leggere

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La presenza alienata. Follia e slancio morale in Ernesto De Martino

Francesco Lesce

Università della Calabria


Abstract: In De Martino’s work pathological alienation is defined as the modus particular to a sick mind, which exposes the human presence to the extreme risk of a crisis that the sane mind is called to avert incessantly. It is within this horizon that culture becomes the instrument of a constant struggle against folly’s annihilating interference in history. It is, however, insufficient to elicit the issue of folly without specifying that in De Martino folly evokes the extreme limit of a crisis varyingly articulated on multiple levels. In the rereading of these … Continua a leggere

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Le ambivalenze e i paradossi della rivoluzione dei diritti: una storia filosofica e politica

Francesco Fistetti

Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro


Abstract: The object of this essay is the paradox of the philosophical and political history that emerged from May 1968. The instances of liberation, born under the pressure of that epochal event and aimed at the destruction of the traditional authoritarian morality (divorce, abortion, feminism, LGBT* movements, etc.), have been emptied of their original emancipatory content and caught by the abstract logic of the market. For a sort of irony of history, the revolution of subjective rights has been turned upside down in new forms of subjugation and … Continua a leggere

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Le radici del riconoscimento. Un viaggio con Axel Honneth nella storia delle idee europea

Eleonora Piromalli

Università di Roma Sapienza


Abstract: This article focuses on Axel Honneth’s latest book, Recognition: A European History of Ideas. I summarize Honneth’s reconstruction of the three models of recognition that he associates respectively with the French, the British and the German theoretical tradition, and his attempt at integrating the German model with the other two. In retracing Honneth’s itinerary through the development of the idea of recognition, I also present some objections: these concern Honneth’s neglect, in Recognition, of the philosophy of the first French and British socialists, as well as the fact … Continua a leggere

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Negare il negativo. La funzione ‘mascheratrice’ della religione

Sergio Fabio Berardini

Università degli Studi di Trento


Abstract: In this paper, after considering the difference between Bergson and Heidegger in interpreting the problem of ‘nothing’, I will opt for Bergson’s viewpoint which claims that the ‘nothing’ is just a pseudo-idea originated by the linguistic faculty of negation. Then I will consider Wittgenstein and Croce’s approach to such a problem, which consists in using logic in order to dissolve it. Finally, I will interpret religion as an alternative way by which the ‘nothing’ is removed by concealing it.
Keywords: Henri Bergson; Benedetto Croce; Martin Heidegger; … Continua a leggere

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Narrating Trauma

Valeria Neglia

Università degli Studi di Palermo


Abstract: This essay treats of the therapeutic role of narrative in trauma survivors’ path to recovery, as described by the psychiatrist Judith Herman in her Trauma and Recovery. It underlines the analogies between Herman’s scientific acquisitions, reflecting her clinical work with victims of domestic violence, veterans and political prisoners, on the one hand, and Paul Ricoeur’s theory of the circle of triple mimesis, on the other. Furthermore, the essay compares Herman’s view of forgiveness as impossible “exorcism” of the traumatic experience, with the post-Holocaust debate about forgiveness, referring … Continua a leggere

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Fenomenologica e logica nel pensiero di Bertrando Spaventa

Marco Diamanti

Sapienza Università di Roma-FernUniversität in Hagen


Abstract: The paper is based on the question of the relationship between phenomenology and logic to offer a first general view about the problem of the origin of dialectic in the thought of Bertrando Spaventa. Metaphysics, according with its most ancient and noble function, could still offer the instruments to arrive at the truth, but only provided that the work on the foundation of realism, which identify in the sensitive perception the “bridge” which conduct from the being to the knowledge, and that affirm the identity of the content … Continua a leggere

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