Fabio Ciracì
(Università del Salento)
Abstract: Schopenhauer’s metaphysics leads to a double nullity of the world: as a phenomenon, d.i. fleeting appearances, and as noumenon, because the Wille has to be redeemed by Nichtsein. Schopenhauer’s disciples (Hartmann, Bahnsen and Mäinlander) will give the Nichtsein an absolute ontological value, as a principle of redemption or metaphysical essence of reality.
Keywords: Nichtsein; Nichts; Hartmann; Mainländer; Bahnsen.
- Dal Kant verso il nichilismo idealistico
Esiste ormai una nutrita letteratura critica circa la natura teoretica che Schopenhauer attribuirebbe al … Continua a leggere