Critica sociale e conoscenza


Emmanuel Renault

Université Paris-X Nanterre

Abstract: In the first generation of the Frankfurt School, critical theory was promoting a strong interconnection between social critique and knowledge of the social world. Just as Marx considered that a critique of capitalism was impossible without a systematic knowledge of its laws, transformations and contradictions, so too Horkheimer and Adorno were convinced that social critique should be grounded on social theory. It is simply a fact that in contemporary critical theory, such a conviction does not play a role anymore. Critical theory has not only subjected itself to … Continua a leggere

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Una materialità rimossa: recuperare il materialismo nella teoria del riconoscimento di Axel Honneth


Jean-Philippe Deranty

Macquarie University, Sydney

Abstract: This paper attempts to accomplish two related tasks: a genealogical, exegetical one and a programmatic one. The genealogical reconstruction of Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition serves the aim of making a few propositions for the continuation of the project of a critical theory of society. The first task is guided by the purpose of highlighting the materialist background against which Axel Honneth’s ethics of recognition grew. The beginnings of the theory of recognition lie in the assumption that historical materialism could be salvaged if it was re-grounded in … Continua a leggere

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Teleologie senza Spirito? Sui deficit politici della filosofia della storia di Honneth


Marco Solinas

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to show that Honneth’s philosophy of history is teleological in a narrow sense. This teleological character is problematic for the theory of the struggle for recognition, for the conception of history as such, and for the methodology of the normative reconstruction. In particular, the teleological conception gives to the theory of recognition a historical form that points out a unilateral character. Furthermore, the teleological neo-Hegelian methodology of normative reconstruction seems to adopt a too stark trust in the progress of human societies faced … Continua a leggere

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Dalla critica ricostruttivo-immanente della modernità alla genealogia del neoliberalismo. Axel Honneth e i problemi di una teoria critica della società oggi


Giorgio Fazio

Università di Roma “La Sapienza”

Abstract:The article reconstructs Axel Honneth’s attempt to reformulate the original model of immanent critique of the first generation of Frankfurt’s School. Moving from the lesson of Habermas, Honneth clarified the socio-theoretical, philosophical and political problems that underlied this model of social criticism, but he also defended it as a valid alternative to other models of social criticism, which are prevalent today. The attempt to reformulate an immanent critique of society leads in Freedom’s Right into the innovative methodology of normative reconstruction, on which is based the ambitious … Continua a leggere

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Habermas, Honneth e il problema di una critica immanente del lavoro


Luca Micaloni

Università degli Studi RomaTre / Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici

Abstract: This article offers a critical reconstruction of Axel Honneth’s arguments for an immanent critique of labour. After giving an outline of the significance, in regard to Honneth’s social theory, of two crucial distinctions set forth by Jürgen Habermas (namely, that between work and interaction and that between System and Lebenswelt), the Author shows how Honneth’s conception has shifted from the initial search for a ‘critical notion of labour’ focused on the characteristics of working activity to a critical view … Continua a leggere

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La passione della critica. Considerazioni dialettiche su patologie sociali, distopia e amore


Federica Gregoratto

St. Gallen Universität

Abstract: It seems that the idea of social pathology has recently become unavoidable, within the Frankfurter tradition of critical theory, to pinpoint the wrongs of the socio-historical present. In this article, I would like to frame this new keyword not as an absolute negative, which has to be conceptually sharply separated from the healthy state, but rather as a negative that serves as disruptive, and thus critical and transformative element in a social order conceived of in organicistic terms. The following considerations rely mostly upon Adorno’s dialectical method, which … Continua a leggere

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Axel Honneth e i presupposti della reificazione


Matteo Gargani

Università degli Studi di Urbino, “Carlo Bo”

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to deal with some aspects of Axel Honneth’s reading of reification faced in his 2005 Verdinglichung. Eine Anerkennungstheoretische Studie. To this purpose, I critically analyse the interpretation of Marx by Lukács as it is expressed in Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat. Secondly, I claim that Lukács’ fetishism analysis is grounded in a significant misunderstanding of the core issue of Marx’s Critique of political economy. Furthermore, I suggest that Honneth’s reification concept uncritically accepts, to … Continua a leggere

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Patologie del lavoro femminile. Recensione a Tania Toffanin, Fabbriche invisibili. Storie di donne, lavoranti a domicilio, Verona, ombre corte, 2016


Roberto Finelli

Università degli Studi RomaTre

1. L’ideologia della domesticità
Il libro di Tania Toffanin, Fabbriche invisibili. Storie di donne, lavoranti a domicilio (Ed. Ombre corte, Verona 2016), appare come una delle più riuscite ed efficaci mediazioni tra critica femminista e critica marxiana dell’economia politica. Questo testo è infatti una testimonianza, assai ben argomentata e meditata, di come si possa dar vita e sviluppo ad una ricerca e a una cultura sulle donne e delle donne, senza necessità di finire col contrapporre “spiritualismo” di Genere e “materialismo” di … Continua a leggere

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Un nuovo Engels per un nuovo Marx. Recensione a Giovanni Sgro’, Friedrich Engels e il punto d’approdo della filosofia classica tedesca, Napoli-Salerno, Orthotes Editrice, 2017


Stefano Breda

Freie Universität Berlin

Nel numero 7/2017 de «Il Ponte» è stata pubblicata una mia recensione a Sgro’ (2016). In tale sede mettevo tra l’altro in evidenza come l’opera – un’utile panoramica sulle principali novità degli ultimi decenni in campo marxologico – facesse nascere il desiderio di conoscere più nel dettaglio le posizioni teoriche personali dell’autore (cfr. Breda 2017, 123). Col libro Friedrich Engels e il punto d’approdo della filosofia classica tedesca, uscito presso Orthotes nel 2017, Sgro’ ha ora esaudito almeno in parte quel desiderio.

In quest’opera si ritrovano, … Continua a leggere

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Una mistica della trasformazione. Recensione a Emiliano Alessandroni, Potenza ed eclissi di un sistema, Milano, Mimesis, 2016


Valerio Marconi

Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”

1. Potenza ed eclissi di un sistema e il problema del divenire
Potenza ed eclissi di un sistema. Hegel e i fondamenti della trasformazione[1], come sintetizza mirabilmente Remo Bodei, si pone la seguente domanda: «Che cosa è, in senso rigoroso, il Divenire e quale il suo rapporto con l’Essere?» (Bodei 2016, 9). Tale domanda non può non far pensare a quella che probabilmente è la più radicale negazione del divenire nella storia del pensiero occidentale, la filosofia di … Continua a leggere

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Consecutio rerum 3, anno II (1/2017-2018)

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Itinerari storici e attualità politica

(a cura di Luca Cianca e Marta Libertà De Bastiani)


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Luca Cianca e Marta Libertà De Bastiani: L’amicizia come relazione affettiva e politica


Roberto Finelli: L’amicizia hegeliana come «lasciar essere»: dalla negazione astratta dell’alterità al riconoscimento di sé
C.D.C. Reeve: Algamata, Deontology, and the Erotics of Emptiness in the Symposium
Arnaud Macé: Platon. L’amitié civique et les deux formes du communisme
Diego Zucca: Le tre amicizie di Aristotele
Aldo Brancacci: Amicizia e filosofia in Epicuro
Bénédicte Sère: L’amitié dans la pensée du millénaire médiéval: tableaux d’une exposition
Annalisa Ceron: L’amicizia nel Principe
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L’amicizia come relazione affettiva e politica


Luca Cianca

Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Napoli

Marta Libertà De Bastiani

Università Roma Tre / ENS Lyon


Quello che la storia del pensiero ha riservato all’amicizia è un concetto composito e stratificato, il quale, pur non comparendo nel novero delle sue categorie preminenti, non ha tuttavia cessato, nel corso del tempo, di suscitare l’interesse della riflessione filosofica. “Categoria” dal profilo ancipite, situata al confine di filosofia pratica e filosofia teoretica, tra individuo e società, passioni e ragione, l’amicizia si contraddistingue per una estesa pluralità di significati … Continua a leggere

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L’amicizia hegeliana come «lasciar essere»: dalla negazione astratta dell’alterità al riconoscimento di sé


Roberto Finelli

Università Roma Tre

Abstract: Negation can be conceived of as the “metacategory” of Hegelian philosophy. An inquiry into its manifold and polysemous functions is essential to try to elucidate and to loose the complexities of Hegel’s dialectic. In the first part, this paper aims at showing how, through the three sections oft the Science of Logic the meaning and the function of Negation change in connection with the changing role of Otherness. The Author also argues that the Doctrine of the Concept displays structures and categories that are endowed with an ethical … Continua a leggere

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Agalmata, Deontology, and the Erotics of Emptiness in the Symposium


C.D.C. Reeve

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Abstract: An integrated interpretation of (1) the Alcibiades episode in Plato’s Symposium that bases its skepticism about his reliability as a narrator on the evidence provided by the text itself, especially its use of the terms agalmata, exaiphnês, and epi dexia; (2) Socrates’ claim that he an expert on ta erôtika; and (3) Diotima’s account of the ergon of love as tokos en kalô[i], that uncovers some concealed deontological elements in Platonic ethics.
Keywords: Alcibiades, Socrates, eros, agalmata, … Continua a leggere

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Platon. L’amitié civique et les deux formes du communisme


Arnaud Macé

Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Abstract: Plato describes the constitution of the Republic as faithful to the saying according to which « among friends, everything is common » and he also calls friends the citizens of the Laws. The present paper suggests that the nature of the community implied in the idea of political friendship in Plato is manifold and that it should be understood in the light of the two forms of the common known in Archaic and Classical greek thought: the exclusive common, i.e. a common ressource to be set … Continua a leggere

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Le tre amicizie di Aristotele


Diego Zucca

Università di Sassari

Abstract: In this paper I present and discuss the Aristotelian theory of friendship. I mainly focus on the philosophical core of the theory, especially on the idea that there are three types of friendship (one based on the good, one based on the useful, one based on the pleasant). In presenting and discussing the theory: a) I concentrate on Aristotle’s method of inquiry, namely, on his attempt to do justice of phainomena (such as common behaviours, shared and notable opinions, ordinary intuitions, linguistic ascriptive practices) through a rational … Continua a leggere

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Amicizia e filosofia in Epicuro


Aldo Brancacci

Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Abstract: According to Epicurus, natural and necessary pleasures – the only ones that Epicurus admits – are those that look to happiness (eudaimonia), physical well-being (aokhlesia), and life itself. The desire for philosophy is the natural and necessary desire which looks to happiness. Philosophy, insofar as it frees us from ambitions, from the desire for power, for wealth, for fame, changes human beings and creates a “new man”, so to speak. This great transformation makes it possibile to establish this entirely different kind … Continua a leggere

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L’amitié dans la pensée du millénaire médiéval: tableaux d’une exposition


Bénédicte Sère

Université de Paris Nanterre

Abstract: Friendship – as represented by emotions and affects – is the essential relationship on which mediaeval society is based, and the concept of friendship is ubiquitous in Medieval Thought. During the Middle Ages – which lasted for a thousand years – friendship always played a fundamental role in shaping social and political relations. This is the reason why medieval philosophers as well as princes and politicians – men of science as well as men of power – all showed a genuine interest in describing friendship’s features. A … Continua a leggere

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L’amicizia nel Principe


Annalisa Ceron

Università degli studi di Milano (Dipartimento di Filosofia)

Abstract: This article sheds light on Machiavelli’s view of friendship as a political relationship. As the comparison between Platina’s De Principe and Machiavelli’s The Prince makes clear, the political anthropology, the political ontology and the vision of the world on which Machiavelli realistic idea of politics hinges imply that neither the relationship between a prince and his subjects nor that between the prince and his chosen advisers can be conceived as a form of friendship. What is at stake is not only a new … Continua a leggere

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L’amicizia in Montaigne: autonomia, mescolamento, confraternita


Raffaele Carbone

Università di Napoli Federico II

Abstract: In this article, I put forward a particular reading of the chapter “De l’amitié” from Montaigne’s Essais, which also draws upon other chapters with which it can be compared. Having dealt with the well-known question of the relationship between Montaigne and La Boétie, I go on to highlight those aspects which characterize the Montaignian model of perfect friendship compared with the paradigms of the ancient world, particularly that of Aristotle. I draw particular attention to the features of autonomy (as opposed to “heteronomous” friendships, the purpose … Continua a leggere

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Spinoza: amicizia e concordia. Corrispondenze senecane e specificità politiche


Marta Libertà De Bastiani

Università Roma Tre / ENS Lyon

Abstract: This paper examines the multi-faceted nature of friendship, conceived by Spinoza as a linking concept between reason and passions, as well as a linking concept between individual behavior and politics. If friendship indicates a certain form of agreement between human beings, its precise features and outcomes vary to a large extent. In fact, friendship may be a rational and natural agreement which takes place between people who live according to reason and which resembles Seneca’s conception of true friendship, … Continua a leggere

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Leibniz: note sull’amicizia


Mariannina Failla

Università Roma Tre

Abstract: The article aims to describe the several meanings of friendship by Leibniz; starting from the convinction that the person is the root of friendship, Leibniz distinguishes between person and “brutus” while  laying the foundations for an interesting philosophy of mind.  Cognition (vision of universal), will and memory  continuously interact in that frame. Friendship also leads to a specific political vision of civil society, based on relations of reciprocity (legal category of equity). The legal meaning and moral aspects of friendship  emerge  from the analysis of the three types … Continua a leggere

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L’amitié selon Rousseau, de l’expérience douloureuse au projet politique


Géraldine Lepan

Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès / IHRIM (Cerphi)

Abstract: This article aims at shedding light on Rousseau’s twofold conception of friendship, as a singular and «true» relation on the one hand, and as civic friendship on the other hand. As regards the first point, the paper analyzes Rousseau’s frequent comparison between love and friendship, as well as the preeminence he assigns tot he latter. often compares love with friendship and gives prominence in this last. Friendship is a product of our natural impulses. The ideal represented by friendship also allows to measure truth … Continua a leggere

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Hegel e l’amicizia: presenza/assenza di un concetto


Sabina Tortorella

Université Paris II – Panthéon Assas

Abstract: The article starts by noticing that the topic of friendship is never directly discussed in the main Hegelian works and aims at identifying the reasons for the lack of consideration for this topic. Claiming that Hegel cannot be conceived as a philosopher of friendship necessarily involves asking ourselves about the very meaning of this notion, through a previous survey of the ways in which it was depicted by Hegel’s contemporaries. Within an interpretation that opposes the modern concept of friendship to Aristotelian philia, the essay … Continua a leggere

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Sulla recezione italiana della teoria critica di Rahel Jaeggi


Marco Solinas

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa

Abstract: The paper aims at introducing some fundamental features of the Italian reception of Rahel Jaeggi’s Critical Theory, moving from the present discussion of the collection of essays entitled Forme di vita e capitalismo edited by M. Solinas. The attention is focused in particular on Jaeggi’s peculiar actualization of the Left Hegelianism tradition on two main fields: 1) the critique of capitalism as a form of life; 2) the priority given to ethical life (Sittlichkeit) and the related adoption of the method of immanent critique.
Keywords: … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 3, Una discussione a più voci. Rahel Jaeggi, "Forme di vita e capitalismo" (Torino 2016). Forum a cura di M. Solinas | 1 commento

Rahel Jaeggi: La Sozialphilosophie come programma di ricerca


Sergio Caruso

Università degli studi di Firenze (Dipartimento di Scienze Politico e Sociali)

Abstract: A number of issues in Rahel Jaeggi’s thought are here reviewed and discussed: most of them with much appreciation, some critically. Highly appreciable are: her attempt to clearly redefine a key-concept borrowed from Habermas such as «form of life», and to re-build social criticism upon it; a creative relationship to Hegel, entailing (a) the partial recuperation of «dialectical contradictions» as contradictions between norms, (b) a partial recuperation of Hegel’s Objektiver Geist redefined in terms of collective intelligence engaged in problem … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 3, Una discussione a più voci. Rahel Jaeggi, "Forme di vita e capitalismo" (Torino 2016). Forum a cura di M. Solinas | Lascia un commento

I problemi irrisolti della negazione determinata. Rahel Jaeggi fra contestualità e trascendenza


Lucio Cortella

Università Ca’ Foscari – Venezia

Abstract: The paper aims to provide an analysis of Rahel Jaeggi’s theory from the standpoint of the Hegelian-turn in the most recent developments of critical theory. It analyzes the transition from Jürgen Habermas’ Kantian normativism to the Hegelianism of Axel Honneth and Rahel Jaeggi. It also deals with a narrower question, concerning Jaeggi’s account of “immanent critique” and the relevance to it of Hegel’s “determinate negation”.
Keywords: critical theory; determinate negation; dialectics; ethical life; forms of life
Il proposito esplicito che attraversa … Continua a leggere

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