Archivi categoria: NUMERO 17

CONSECUTIO RERUM, ANNO IX, N. 17 (1/2024-25)

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Ontologia e politica in Leopardi

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Nicola De Rosa & Francesco Simoncini, Introduzione

Valentina Maurella, Amor proprio e amore nell’ontologia leopardiana

Gennaro Maria Barbuto, Leopardi e l’“età delle macchine”

Francesco Simoncini, Ontologia e politica della consolazione in Leopardi

Nicola De Rosa, Il volo del tempo. Strategie satiresche e tecnica allegorica in alcuni episodi dei Paralipomeni

Paolo Colombo, “Chiamare le cose coi loro nomi”. Leopardi, Casti e il libro terribile

Massimo Palma, Il basso materialismo di Leopardi. Ipotesi sugli sprechi di natura

Nicola Sighinolfi, Dal pessimismo agonistico al materialismo militante. Tra Leopardi e Sebastiano Timpanaro


Filippo Del Lucchese, Potere costituente e scetticismo di battaglia in

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Nicola De Rosa & Francesco Simoncini


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Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 17 | Lascia un commento

Amor proprio e amore nell’ontologia leopardiana



Valentina Maurella

Università degli Studi di Torino (; orcid: 0009-0008- 8384-8264)


Self-love and love in Leopardi’s ontology

Abstract: Amor proprio is the only innate principle that is acknowledged within Leopardi’s ontology. Unlike the 18th-century notion of amor di sé, the concept employed by Leopardi introduces a relational dimension within the constitutive dynamic of the living. In fact, loving one’s own good means identifying a good external to the self (pleasure) and making it the object of the infinite desire that animates the individual. In this sense, the self-love on which all passions depend is already a … Continua a leggere

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Leopardi e l’“età delle macchine” 



Gennaro Maria Barbuto

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (; orcid: 0000-0003-0499-1561)


Leopardi and the “machine age”

Abstract: The article focuses, in particular, on the Palinodia al Marchese Gino Capponi, but also on some Operette morali, works that destroy with an ironic gaze what Leopardi considers the main aspect of modern times, the civilisation of technology. With his point of view marked by absence, that is to say, by a certain critical distancing towards things and, above all, towards the contradictions that mark the ontology of reality, Leopardi does not intend to elaborate any … Continua a leggere

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Ontologia e politica della consolazione in Leopardi



Francesco Simoncini

Sapienza Università di Roma (; orcid: 0000-0003- 3625-0717)


Ontology and politics of consolation in Leopardi

Abstract: The essay examines the relationship between ontology and politics in Leopardi’s work with regard to the theme of consolation. It begins by outlining the development of the concept in the theological sphere, where the Christian consolatio for the consequences of sin is shown to be increasingly arduous. Then the logic of consolation is discussed in the dialectic between ‘poison’ and ‘remedy’, between evil and its possible extinction. The transformation of this topos reveals how Leopardi progressively excludes even the … Continua a leggere

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Il volo del tempo. Strategie satiresche e tecnica allegorica in alcuni episodi dei Paralipomeni



Nicola De Rosa

Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Napoli (; orcid: 0000- 0002-3103-4196)


The time flight: wit’s strategies and allegorical technique in some episodes of the Paralipomeni

Abstract: The essay proposes a reading of some excerpts of the Paralipomeni della Batracomiomachia, in which Leopardi experiments with rhetorical and figural solutions that dramatise arguments from the philosophy of nature, such as the critique of anthropocentrism and its nihilistic outcome. The poem presents a remarkable – and worthy of analysis – treatment of the supernatural, of the fantastic. In the anabasis, the space-time journey of Leccafondi and Dedalo, and in … Continua a leggere

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«Chiamare le cose coi loro nomi». Leopardi, Casti e il libro terribile 



Paolo Colombo

Università degli Studi di Verona (; ORCID: 0000-0002-6235- 3253)


«Chiamare le cose coi loro nomi». Leopardi, Casti and the dreadful book

Abstract: Referring to the well-known definition coined by Vincenzo Gioberti for the Paralipomeni della Batracomiomachia, the contribution aims to isolate and explore the more distinctly negative elements of the poem, within which Leopardi’s skepticism towards any form of political initiative seems to reach conclusions unknown to his earlier works and partially unprecedented even in the context of the “new poetics” of the 1830s. A specific area of investigation will consist in reexamining the … Continua a leggere

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Il basso materialismo di Leopardi: ipotesi sugli sprechi di natura 



Massimo Palma

Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli (; orcid: 0000-0001-7810-9725)


Leopardi’s low materialism: Hypothesis on the waste of nature

Abstract: Over the course of the 20th century, Leopardi’s materialism has repeatedly been at the centre of critical debate, from Luporini to Timpanaro to Negri. A key concept in Leopardi’s reflections is the idea of a human nature that – starting with a judgement deriving from the “love of its own happiness” – pursues the “study of its own preservation” (Zibaldone, 5-6 April 1825). The aim of this contribution is to compare Leopardi’s conception … Continua a leggere

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Dal pessimismo agonistico al materialismo militante. Tra Leopardi e Sebastiano Timpanaro



Nicola Sighinolfi

Sapienza Università di Roma (; orcid: 0009-0001- 9148-4068)


From agonistic pessimism to militant materialism. Between Leopardi and Sebastiano Timpanaro

Abstract: This contribution aims to focus on the theme of thinking matter within the anthropology of Giacomo Leopardi. The purpose is to discuss the recovery made by Sebastiano Timpanaro in the late twentieth century, with the declared intent of engaging in dialogue between the materialistic and hedonistic tradition, which from the eighteenth century permeates the reflections of the poet, and the Marxist tradition. Reason, matter, and body are concepts that intertwine throughout Leopardi’s philosophical elaboration, culminating … Continua a leggere

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Potere costituente e scetticismo di battaglia in Etienne de La Boétie



Filippo Del Lucchese

Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna (; orcid. org/0000-0003-1980-1521)


Constituent Power and Fighting Sckepticism in Etienne de la Boétie

Abstract: The article examines the thought of Etienne de La Boétie through five main aspects, highlighting the revolutionary and polemical nature of his conception of ‘voluntary servitude’. In the first paragraph, I introduce voluntary servitude as a foundational issue in modern political theory, linking it to the question of power legitimacy. The second paragraph analyzes the role of the subordinates’ will in maintaining power, where La Boétie sees a form of passive consent that grants stability … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 17, Varia | Lascia un commento

Ossigeno e plusvalore, cellula e merce. La logica della scoperta nella critica dell’economia politica



Sebastiano Taccola

Oxygen and surplus-value, cell and commodity. The logic of discovery in the critique of political economy

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the influence of the natural sciences on the logic of discovery that characterizes Marx’s critique of political economy. In the first part, the paper makes specific references to the works of Thomas Kuhn and Louis Althusser to take seriously the parallelism between Lavoisier and Marx suggested by Engels, and examines its possible epistemological implications. Following this thread, it is possible to shed a light on Marx’s interest in 19th century sciences, focusing in particular … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 17, Varia | Lascia un commento

Recensione a Gaspare Polizzi, Corporeità e natura in Leopardi (Mimesis, 2023)



Alberto Di Somma

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (; ORCID: 0009-0004-4499-8447)


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