Condividi e segnala
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- Dialectics
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- distinzione
- Europe
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- Habitus
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- Hobbes
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- Negative
- Nichts
- nihil
- Nihilism
- nihil negativum
- nihil privativum
- Non-identical
- Nothing
- Nothingness
- onore
- politica
- postmoderno
- pratica
- riconoscimento
- Smith
- solitudine
- Sovranità
- Spinoza
- Thomas Aquinas
- Western Ontology
Articoli recenti
Archivi categoria: Monografica (III)
Gramsci, penseur de l’hégémonie en ses crises
Galatée de Larminat
Université Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne
Gramsci: Reflections on Hegemony in Crisis
Abstract: This article seeks to explore Antonio Gramsci’s analysis of history, developed in the 20th century between both World Wars, a period of critical importance and change, much like the one we are ourselves living through. This article chooses to interrogate the notion of modernity through that of crisis, the apparent highlight of modernity’s failures. Hegemony, a central concept in the historical philosophy developed by Gramsci, is indissociable from the notion of crisis. This article argues that Gramsci’s work holds both theoretical and … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Monografica (III), NUMERO 12
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Critique sociale et crise écologique
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7406924
Franck Fischbach
Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne – UFR de philosophie/Centre d’Histoire des philosophies modernes de la Sorbonne, HIPHIMO, EA 1451
Social Criticism and Ecological Crisis
Abstract: In contrast to North American eco-Marxism, whose tendency is to go back to Marx, bypassing Critical Theory and minimising its contribution, we attempt here to defend the idea that theoretical and critical resources for confronting the ecological crisis do exist in the Frankfurt tradition and that they reside in the set of means with which it has equipped itself in order to elaborate in an original way … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Monografica (III), NUMERO 12
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Ideology Without Dupes: Althusser’s Materialist Theory of Ideology
Matthew Lampert
Northeast Texas Community College
Abstract: I begin this essay by explaining several problems with ideology critique. First, it has a tendency to conflict with or undercut the goals of critical theory (Robin Celikates calls these “political-strategic” problems). Second, the theory of ideology rests on problematic ontological commitments and empirical assumptions. These charges, I argue, offer compelling reasons to reject ideology critique as a component of any emancipatory critical theory. And yet, there continues to be a distinct need for something like ideology critique within any critical social theory; we recognize many instances in which … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Monografica (III), NUMERO 10
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La fabbrica dell’intelligibilità e il passaggio per l’immaginario. Una notation merleau-pontyana in Leggere il Capitale
Luca Pinzolo
Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca
Abstract: The reading of some passages of Reading the Capital by Louis Althusser suggests that Althusser would have recognized in Merleau-Ponty the possibility of structural causality, however folded into a – certainly conscious and intentional – ontology of the imaginary: it is in this imaginary that we mystify but, at the same time, an adequate way to think about the relationship between structure-infrastructure-superstructure can be seen. This confrontation with Merleau-Ponty’s ontology is perhaps linked to Althusser’s late admission that he had built an imaginary Marxism… Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Monografica (III), NUMERO 10
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Ideology and Immanent Critique. On Mannheim, Althusser, and Adorno
Markus Gante & Felix Schneider
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
FernUniversität in Hagen
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to distinguish between two approaches to the notion of ideology. (i) Firstly, the all-encompassing notion of ideology, which stems from a view of society as total and without exterior. The two positions we subsume under this header, regardless of their substantial differences, are the sociology of knowledge as put forward by Mannheim and the Spinozist Marxism of Althusser. We argue that both positions ultimately fail to adequately address the problems of relativism and justified … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Monografica (III), NUMERO 10
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