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Articoli recenti
Archivi categoria: Storia delle idee
L’uomo reso superfluo. La critica di G. Anders al “Totalitarismo morbido”
Massimo Cappitti
(abstract. According to G. Anders “soft” totalitarianism can obtain unconditional obedience without resorting to violence, thanks to the efficacy of its imperceptible capacity of mass standardization. This article analyzes Anders’ reflections on the frightening characteristics of late-modern society, such as the unlimited development of technology, the disappearance of individual responsibility and the triumph of an ethics of indifference. It aims to illustrate Anders’ deep understanding of the nihilist impact that the logic of capitalism produces the contemporary modes of existence.
Se siamo disperati che ce ne importa?
Continuiamo come se non lo fossimo.
Günther Anders
Quanto più, scrive … Continua a leggere
L’individualità dei corpi: Descartes e Hobbes.
This article investigates the opposing solutions provided by Descartes and Hobbes on the issue of human individuality. Both solutions need to be understood through the physical and metaphysical problem that both Descartes and Hobbes share: that is the problem of 'individual bodies'. Being confronted with this issue, the two thinkers face similar difficulties. The hypothesis maintained here is that the removal of the theoretical obstacles arising from the issue of the uniqueness of the extended substance - and the consequent impossibility of conceiving the existence of individual bodies - allows Descartes, and no less Hobbes, to elaborate a conception of the human being as a separate field that is distinguished from the rest of nature.
Pubblicato in Storia delle idee
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