Archivi categoria: Storia delle idee

Le désir de se revancher. Descartes et la reconnaissance.

Philippe Drieux

ABSTRACT: The 193rd article of Descartes’ treatise Passions of the Soul is entitled “De la Reconnaissance” and it describes a passion whose nature has nothing to do with Hegel’s famous concept Anerkennung. This article deals much more with the gratefulness and love someone may feel for his/her benefactor than with what happens when two persons recognize each other’s status or value. There might be no link between the former feelings and the way someone can prove his/her own value and existence to other people. In this sense, “reconnaissance” is the exact opposite of ingratitude – one of the Continua a leggere

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Morte o rinascita degli esercizi spirituali? Le Meditationes di Descartes nel dibattito tra Derrida/Foucault e Foucault/Hadot

                                                                             Massimiliano Biscuso


Francisco de ZurbarànSan Serapione, 1628olio su tela, cm 120 x 102


Abstract: Michel Foucault and Pierre Hadot maintained that Descartes, in his Meditationes de prima philosophia, followed the ancient tradition of spiritual exercises. In this paper I will examine Foucault’s and Hadot’s theses, analyzing both the relation between Cartesian evidence and the Stoic conception of cataleptic representation, as well as the one between the Cartesian and Augustinian overcoming of doubt. In my opinion, the French philosopher changes the spiritual exercises of the ancient philosophers into a literary genre.

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L’amicizia tra gelosia e gratitudine. Riconoscimento e virtù nell’«Etica» di B. Spinoza.

Francesco Toto

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Abstract: Drawing on Baruch Spinoza’s analyses of jealousy and gratitude this article demonstrates the importance of friendship in his Ethics. Friendship is shown to be crucial both for those driven by reason and for those dominated by emotions. This article also shows the significance of the desire for recognition in the genesis of friendship itself. My emphasis on the notion of friendship addresses a gap in Spinozian studies and it produces a new reading of the problem of continuity/discontinuity between passion and virtue. Through this analysis the possibility of an affective agreement among men emerges Continua a leggere

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La reconnaissance chez Hutcheson.

Laetitia De Rohan Chabot

Abstract: In his early philosophy, Hutcheson essentially wonders about the principles of our moral approbation, thereby putting a theory of acknowledgement at the center of his philosophy. Acknowledgement seems to be both epistemic and emotional, insofar as it refers to the spectator’s capacity to identify virtue in the agent and to approve it without the help of any previous rational knowledge. Nevertheless, Hutcheson’s thinking gets more complicated when in the Inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue, section III, he comes to consider the action’s potential effects, which the moral sense cannot Continua a leggere

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I filosofi e il duello: dallo ‘Spirito delle leggi’ alla ‘Enciclopedia’.

Luigi Delia

Abstract: Between Montesquieu and Beccaria, the Diderot and D’Alembert Encyclopédie system proves to be a privileged site through which it is possible to remap both the judicial and socio-political stakes of the duel. What kind of logic presides over the ancient jurisprudence of judicial combat? Is God’s judgement a criterion for truth? Must we punish with infamy those gentlemen who (have) confronted each other in the name of aristocratic honor, self-esteem and notoriety?Continua a leggere

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La lezione kantiana sulla “Psychologie”

Elisabetta Mainenti

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kantABSTRACT. It is widely recognized that Leibniz’s basic understanding of the mind (as a combination of consciousness and unconsciousness) gave birth to a tradition destined to affect the entire evolution of German psychology until Freud. The proposal of the possible existence of unconscious mental processes was in complete contradiction with the dominant perspective. However, following Kant’s suggestions about the articulated and complex architecture of the soul contained in his Lectures on Psychology, it can be argued that, paradoxically, it is precisely the ‘Eponymous hero’ of the ‘Enlightened Era’ that gives us a Continua a leggere

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Percezione, rappresentazione e memoria nella filosofia di Bergson

                                                                                                 Fabiola Di Fazio

  1. Introduzione.


La gnoseologia bergsoniana mostra il valore, i limiti e la natura pragmatica dell’intelligenza, senza confinarla entro le sue forme. Bergson le apre prospettive diverse.

La teoria della conoscenza elaborata dal filosofo francese segue le orme delle filosofia kantiana, ma procede oltre Kant: l’intelligenza è fenomenica e intuitiva, non è limitata alle sue forme a priori e può cogliere la dinamicità del reale. Il metodo intuitivo concesso all’intelligenza, oltre all’analisi, rende il bergsonismo un empirismo radicale.

La teoria bergsoniana implica tre nodi concettuali fondamentali: in primo luogo, la teoria della percezione e della memoria, così come … Continua a leggere

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