Archivi categoria: Lessico della postmodernità

Parole che contano: vulnerabilità, narratività e obbligazione in Judith Butler

Cristian Lo Iacono

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ABSTRACT. Alex Honneth and Charles Taylor have sustained that recognition provides the foreground for an integral and authentic self, while misrecognition impedes it. Judith Butler contends that preexisting frames of intelligibility determine who is worth receiving recognition a who is not. Having this frame in mind we can better understand the project of a non-violent ethics of vulnerability and narrativity Butler has developed in her latest works. I analyze both arguments and explain some of their relation with philosophy and feminism. I argue, in particular, that the concept of moral obligation which can Continua a leggere

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Dall’onnipotenza al contatto: due letture femminili del riconoscimento hegeliano

 Alessandra Campo

Abstract: This article deals with the concepts of recognition in the work of philosopher Judith Butler and psychoanalyst Jessica Benjamin. They both offer interpretations of the famous fourth section of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, and although these two readings raise questions on the same topics, they make use of different conceptual frameworks and achieve heterogeneous results. In particular, this article shows the incapacity of their positions to fully convey, within the notion of recognition, the articulation of an intersubjective/horizontal dimension and an infrasubjective/vertical one. Like those philosophers identified with “negative thought”, Butler and Benjamin draw almost exclusively Continua a leggere

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“Questa testa di Medusa dentro”. Politiche della delegittimazione ne ‘Il dissidio’ di J.-F. Lyotard

Sergio Alloggio

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Abstract: This article constitutes the second part of the essay “‘This head of Medusa within’: Politics of delegitimation in Jean-François Lyotard’s The Differend”, the first part of which was published in «Consecutio Temporum», no. 3, 2012. I begin by investigating Lyotard’s organic approach to Kant and argue that from the Critique of Pure Reason to Kant’s political works, Lyotard’s reading is wrought through the phrasal dispositif which illuminates how a politics of delegitimation takes place between Lyotard and Kant. Within Lyotard’s reading of Hegel the phrasal dispositif is made to engage with its inverted Continua a leggere

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Il manifesto convivialista



Dichiarazione di interdipendenza[1]

Mai come oggi l’umanità ha avuto a disposizione tante risorse materiali e competenze tecnico-scientifiche. Considerata nella sua globalità, essa è ricca e potente come nessuno nei secoli passati avrebbe potuto mai immaginare. Non è detto che sia anche più felice. Tuttavia, non c’è nessuno che desideri tornare indietro, poiché ognuno si rende conto che di giorno in giorno si aprono sempre maggiori e nuove potenzialità di realizzazione individuale e collettiva.

Eppure, nonostante ciò, nessuno è disposto a credere che questa accumulazione di potenza possa essere persegui- ta indefinitamente senza che, in … Continua a leggere

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