“L’anima della ragione strategica”. Bensaïd e la costituzione processuale del soggetto






Simone Coletto 

Simone Coletto: Università degli Studi di Pavia (simone.coletto01@universitadipavia.it; ORCID: 0009-0006-9820-7940).





“The Essence of Strategic Reason”. Bensaïd and the Processual Constitution of the Subject



Abstract: In this text I explore the problem of the constitution of the social subject in the work of Daniel Bensaïd, in the light of his reflections on the “discordance of the times”. The overcoming of a monorhythmic conception of History, or in other words of a linear and staged conception of History, allows the “militant philosopher” – as he liked to call himself – to also rethink the coordinates within which to define the concept of “subject” and “subjectivity”. In fact, the subject can be understood as a becoming process, whose possibilities of constitution are articulated around a political projectuality. The temporal texture is the decisive element for understanding both the latent and explicit possibilities of this process.

Keywords: Daniel Bensaïd; Discordance of the Times; Social Classes; Capitalistic Mode of Production; Political Project.

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