Forme e individui. La critica di Luporini al marxismo strutturalista






Rosario Croce 

Rosario Croce: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (; ORCID: 





Forms and Individuals. Luporini’s Critique of Structural Marxism 



Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between Luporini’s Marxism and structuralism, focusing primarily on the anti-historicist aspects of his reflection (nature, subjectivity, and anti-empiricism, §§ 2-3). It aims to illustrate the developments of Luporini’s reflection after the engagement with Althusser and structural linguistics (§ 4), by identifying two distinguishing features of Luporini’s account of the concepts of form and structure: i.e., the importance of (non-historical) dialectics and the constitutive role of human agency in shaping and reproducing structures (§ 5). 

Keywords: Luporini; Marx; Structures; Dialectics; Historicism. 

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