Écrire d’après l’expérience Lip. Les réceptions d’une lutte ouvrière et les limites de l’exemplarité





Jérémy Ollivier

Jérémy Ollivier: Université de Poitiers, MAPP (jeremy.ollivier@univ-poitiers.fr ; ORCID: 0009-0004-1006-1808).






 Writing from the Lip conflict. The reception of a workers’ struggle and the limits of exemplarity 



 Abstract: This paper aims to discuss ways to use examples of a workers’ struggle and of speeches built along the struggle in philosophy. It takes interest in the reception of the Lip conflict in the seventies by the French philosopher Jacques Rancière, the review Révoltes logiques, and also by the philosopher Henri Lefebvre and the sociologist René Lourau. It displays the way in which a workers’ struggle as the one of Lip allows to think anew philosophical and theoretical discourses, by interrogating differences in reception and the place given to thoughts built into the struggle itself. This paper wishes to evaluate the benefits and limits of the exemplarity of a social conflict into philosophical and theoretical writings. 

Keywords: Conflict; Example; Lourau; Rancière; Lefebvre. 

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