« Après la révolution ». Écrits poétiques des travailleur-se-s dans les revues du Proletkult 





 Daria Saburova 

Daria Saburova : (dariasaburova89@gmail.com ; ORCID: 0009-0000-2532-072X 





After the revolution. Workers’ poetic writings in the journals of the Proletkult



Abstract: This article examines the relationship between theory and proletarian poetic practice in the early years of the Soviet state. It explores the paradox of the Proletkult experience, a mass cultural movement that spread after the 1917 revolution. Conceived as a space for the expression of working-class autonomy in the cultural sphere, it simultaneously emerged as an institution where intellectuals developed a normative perspective on the principles of proletarian poetic production. How can these contradictory claims of the Proletkult experience be reconciled? What relationship between social philosophy and workers’ writings does it presuppose?

Keywords: Proletkult; Bogdanov; Marxism; Labout Theory; Soviet Poetry.

Questa voce è stata pubblicata in Monografica, NUMERO 16. Contrassegna il permalink.

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