José Aricó, la temporalidad plural y la cuestión de la nación: hacia el marxismo como teoría de la traducción

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7970678

Martín Cortés 

CONICET (; ORCID: 0000-0002-3338-5133)


José Aricó


José Aricó, Plural Temporality and the Question of the Nation: Towards Marxism as a Theory of Translation 

Abstract: This text intends to underline the centrality that the problem of plural temporality has in the work of José Aricó, especially in his reflection on the conditions of possibility of a Latin American Marxism. For this, his book Marx and Latin America is fundamentally analyzed together with a set of notes and drafts from his archive regarding it. It is argued that, in Aricó, the key to a reading of plural temporality lies in the consideration of the nation as a specific space for the knotting of capitalist universality, as well as in the postulation of translation as a characteristic critical procedure of Marxism. 
Keywords: José Aricó; Marx; Plural temporality; Nation; Translation. 

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