Contro l’idea di progresso. Raúl Prebisch e la scuola dependentista latinoamericana

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7970636

Maria Turchetto 

Università “Ca’ Foscari” di Venezia (; ORCID: 0000-0003- 4967-7103)


Raul Prebisch


Against the Idea of Progress. Raúl Prebisch and the Latin American dependentista School 

Abstract: For two centuries we have thought about temporality and history with the category of progress: from the first formulations of the Enlightenment to the Rostow theory of development stages. An important criticism of the latter author comes from the Latin American dependentista school which – starting with Raúl Prebisch – explains the differences in economic development not in temporal terms (backwardness / modernity) but in spatial and geopolitical terms (center / periphery). This article reviews the various authors of the dependentista school, unfairly underestimated and now almost forgotten. 
Keywords: Progress; Stages of Economic Development; Unequal Exchange; Center/Periphery. 

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