a cura di Roberto Finelli e Pierluigi Marinucci
Gerhard Banse
Berlin Centre Technology & Culture
Roberto Finelli
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Pierluigi Marinucci
Sapienza Università di Roma
Bionote: Gerhard Banse is President of the Leibniz-Sozietät (Berlin). He was a member of the Karlsrhuer Institut fur Technologie and of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic. He edited the entries Technik e Technologie of the Wörterbuch zu den philosophischen Fragen der Naturwissenschaften (Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983). He is one of the most prominent researcher about Technology and its polysemous significance. Banse’s scientific interest focuses, on the one hand, on the ecological, cultural and civil impact of technological innovation within the knowledge-based society and, on the other hand, on the history of technology. Among his publications it is worth mentioning: Philosophie und Technik (in collaboration with Siegfried Wollgast), Allgemeine Technologie. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft (in collaboration with Ernst-Otto Reher), Technik und Kultur. Bedingungs- und Beeinflussungsverhältnisse.