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Philosophie politique et écritures du travail 

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Samuel Hayat, Les ouvriers peuvent-ils écrire ? Pour une histoire sociale des idées ouvrières au XIXe siècle

Clémence Nasr, Avant la commune : l’associationnisme à petite échelle et la « souveraineté réelle »

Daria Saburova, « Après la révolution ». Écrits poétiques des travailleur-se-s dans les revues du Proletkult

Ulysse Lojkine, La portée politique de l’expérience prolétarienne. Apories de ‘Socialisme ou Barbarie’

Julien Allavena, L’enquête ouvrière opéraïste par ses archives. Premières hypothèses à partir d’une recherche en cours

Yohann Douet, L’opéraïsme et le pouvoir ouvrier dans l’usine – le cas de Porto Marghera

Céline Marty, André Gorz, passeur

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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13835138


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Les ouvriers peuvent-ils écrire ? Pour une histoire sociale des idées ouvrières au XIXe siècle 





 Samuel Hayat 

Samuel Hayat : CNRS, CEVIPOF ( ; ORCID : 0000-0002- 9422-3939) 





Can the workers write? For a social history of workers’ ideas in the 19th century 



Abstract: A social history of workers’ ideas aims to capture the role of ideas in the construction of the working class, based on the study of texts produced by workers. In the 19th century, these texts were concentrated in times of political crisis, for example in France during the revolutions of 1830 and 1848, and at the end of the Second Empire. On these occasions, workers wrote texts in … Continua a leggere

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Avant la commune : l’associationnisme à petite échelle et la « souveraineté réelle » 


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13834644




 Clémence Nasr 

Clémence Nasr, chercheuse à l’IDDRI ( ; ORCID: 0000- 0001-8524-5602) 



série 2ª N. 3 – LA REVENDICATION Sociéte Coopérative – Dépôt n. 1 Avenue de Saint-Germain – PUTEAUX 



Before the commune: small-scale associationism and “real sovereignty” 



Abstract: Based on an analysis of workers’ newspapers published before 1870, this article investigates how the local scale, the sub-national territory, was perceived before the Commune and the advent of municipal socialism. The 19th century saw the development of associative dynamics, and workers wondered about the geographical scope of these dynamics, and the space in which they … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 16 | Lascia un commento

 « Après la révolution ». Écrits poétiques des travailleur-se-s dans les revues du Proletkult 





 Daria Saburova 

Daria Saburova : ( ; ORCID: 0009-0000-2532-072X 





After the revolution. Workers’ poetic writings in the journals of the Proletkult



Abstract: This article examines the relationship between theory and proletarian poetic practice in the early years of the Soviet state. It explores the paradox of the Proletkult experience, a mass cultural movement that spread after the 1917 revolution. Conceived as a space for the expression of working-class autonomy in the cultural sphere, it simultaneously emerged as an institution where intellectuals developed a normative perspective on the principles of proletarian poetic production. How can these contradictory claims … Continua a leggere

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La portée politique de l’expérience prolétarienne. Apories de ‘Socialisme ou Barbarie  




 Ulysse Lojkine 

Ulysse Lojkine: Université Paris-Nanterre (; ORCID: 0000- 0002-8478-3705) 





The political significance of the proletarian experience. Aporias of ‘Socialisme ou Barbarie’ 



Abstract: The American journal Correspondence and the French journal Socialisme ou Barbarie both aimed to give primacy to workers’ experience of exploitation over its theoretical analysis. This article shows that this primacy was conceived and practised in different ways within these groups: by postulating a harmony between experience and theory; by seeking a political direction in experience, and in theory its conditions of possibility; or finally by aspiring to a pure restitution of experience. Each … Continua a leggere

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L’enquête ouvrière opéraïste par ses archives. Premières hypothèses à partir d’une recherche en cours 




Julien Allavena

Julien Allavena: Université Paris 8, Cresppa-Labtop (; ORCID: 0009-0002-0224-7931).





 The operaist workers’ survey through its archives. First hypotheses based on ongoing research 



 Abstract: This article attempts to reconstruct the workers’ inquiry methods used by Italian workerists in the 1960s. To this end, it analyses a corpus of archives that had not previously been used in studies on this subject, and sets out to renew our understanding of this historical experience. After reviewing the ways in which the workerists conceived the inquiry and pointing out the limits of an interpretation of this practice that would confine … Continua a leggere

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L’opéraïsme et le pouvoir ouvrier dans l’usine – le cas de Porto Marghera 





 Yohann Douet 

Yohann Douet: docteur en philosophie et chercheur rattaché au laboratoire Sophiapol, Université Paris Nanterre (; ORCID: 0000-0002-3564-8304).





Workerism and workers’ power in the factory – the case of Porto Marghera 



Abstract: To study how workerism understands workers’ power in the factory, we start from texts of different kinds (theoretical, political, artistic, testimonial, etc.) written by Porto Marghera activists and workers. While workerists conceive of workers’ power as autonomy (from both capital and established workers’ organizations), for them this does not mean to positively exercise this workers’s power, either in the factory (where it would be … Continua a leggere

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André Gorz, passeur des textes du mouvement ouvrier italien de 1960 à 1980 : de la critique de l’aliénation à la critique des institutions ouvrières 




 Céline Marty

Céline Marty: Université de Franche-Comté, Université de Créteil (celine. ; ORCID: 0009-0007-0136-5166).





André Gorz, passing on the texts of the Italian workers’ movement from 1960 to 1980: from the critique of alienation to the critique of workers’ institutions 



Abstract: This article elucidates the connections between André Gorz and the Italian left – both within parliamentary, trade unionist, and extra-parliamentary contexts – spanning the years from 1960 to 1980. The Italian trade union CGIL was committed to combating workplace alienation, not merely exploitation. Their approach centred on workers’ control and local trade union autonomy vis-à-vis … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 16 | Lascia un commento

Écrire d’après l’expérience Lip. Les réceptions d’une lutte ouvrière et les limites de l’exemplarité





Jérémy Ollivier

Jérémy Ollivier: Université de Poitiers, MAPP ( ; ORCID: 0009-0004-1006-1808).






 Writing from the Lip conflict. The reception of a workers’ struggle and the limits of exemplarity 



 Abstract: This paper aims to discuss ways to use examples of a workers’ struggle and of speeches built along the struggle in philosophy. It takes interest in the reception of the Lip conflict in the seventies by the French philosopher Jacques Rancière, the review Révoltes logiques, and also by the philosopher Henri Lefebvre and the sociologist René Lourau. It displays the way in which a workers’ struggle as … Continua a leggere

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Écrits littéraires de travailleurs et travailleuses, un laboratoire philosophique ?





Anne de Rugy & Muriel Prévot-Carpentier 

Anne de Rugy: MCF en sociologie, LIPHA, Université Paris Est Créteil ( ; ORCID: 0000-0003-4306-1420) ; Muriel Prévot-CarpentierMCF en ergonomie, C3U-Paragraphe, Université Paris 8 (murielprevot@univ-paris8. fr ; ORCID: 0009-0004-5603-5488). 





 Literary writings by workers, a philosophical laboratory? 



Abstract: Based on a corpus of French literary texts published at the turn of the 21st century and stemming from the labor experience of their authors, this article focuses on the possible links between philosophy and literature. The diversity of literary forms used – poetic diary (Metz), prose narrative (Ponthus), narrative incorporating a factory … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 16 | Lascia un commento

Nuit, sommeil et travail de nuit dans les récits ouvriers






Claire Pagès 

Claire Pagès : Université de Tours, ICD (; ORCID: 0009- 0001-6830-5228) 





 Night, sleep and night work in workers’ narratives 



Abstract: By reading a selection of workers’ accounts of their work, we propose in this contribution to document several aspects of the relationship between sleep, night and working-class labour. Firstly, work appears to be the material of choice for dream activity. This supports the idea that a significant proportion of workers’ dreams are professional dreams. Secondly, these accounts help to specify the type of fatigue experienced by workers, particularly those in industry. Finally, they attest to … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 16 | Lascia un commento

Una relazione pericolosa. La Digital History, tra innovazione metodologica e didattica






Giovanni Carosotti 

 Giovanni Carosotti: Liceo Virgilio Milano (; ORCID: 0009- 0002-7732-0339).





A Dangerous Liaison. ‘Digital History’ between methodological and didactic innovation 



Abstract: Digital History consistently puts forward proposals for the methodological rethinking of the historical discipline, according to the new informational reality. The debate is still in the making and, despite some proposals to this effect, it is doubtful that it can already affect the intellectual act with which the historian contributes to the advancement of disciplinary research. With the aim of legitimising their own positions, in some studies the supporters of Digital History have claimed to … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 16, Varia | Lascia un commento

“L’anima della ragione strategica”. Bensaïd e la costituzione processuale del soggetto






Simone Coletto 

Simone Coletto: Università degli Studi di Pavia (; ORCID: 0009-0006-9820-7940).





“The Essence of Strategic Reason”. Bensaïd and the Processual Constitution of the Subject



Abstract: In this text I explore the problem of the constitution of the social subject in the work of Daniel Bensaïd, in the light of his reflections on the “discordance of the times”. The overcoming of a monorhythmic conception of History, or in other words of a linear and staged conception of History, allows the “militant philosopher” – as he liked to call himself – to also rethink the coordinates within … Continua a leggere

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Forme e individui. La critica di Luporini al marxismo strutturalista






Rosario Croce 

Rosario Croce: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (; ORCID: 





Forms and Individuals. Luporini’s Critique of Structural Marxism 



Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between Luporini’s Marxism and structuralism, focusing primarily on the anti-historicist aspects of his reflection (nature, subjectivity, and anti-empiricism, §§ 2-3). It aims to illustrate the developments of Luporini’s reflection after the engagement with Althusser and structural linguistics (§ 4), by identifying two distinguishing features of Luporini’s account of the concepts of form and structure: i.e., the importance of (non-historical) dialectics and the constitutive role of human agency in shaping and reproducing … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 16, Varia | Lascia un commento

Bisogni repressi e deformazione del testo pubblico. Habermas sulla psicoanalisi come risorsa per la Teoria critica della società






Luca Micaloni

Luca Micaloni: Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche (





Repressed Needs and the Deformation of the Public Text. Habermas on Psychoanalysis as a Resource for Critical Social Theory 



Abstract: In this paper I will discuss an important passage that led Jürgen Habermas, at the end of the 1960s, to turn to psychoanalytic categories as a reservoir of methodological and diagnostic resources for the Critical Theory of Society. Firstly, I will show how Habermas conceives of psychoanalysis as a relational process designed to repair damaged symbols and to enable the subject to acquire … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 16, Varia | Lascia un commento

Le radici dell’Umanesimo e la guerra nei Politicorum libri sex di Giusto Lipsio






Tiziana Provvidera 

Tiziana Provvidera: University College London (; orcid: 0009-0008-6169-7709). 



Anonimo – Testa del filosofo Giusto Lipsio



 The roots of Humanism and Warfare in Justus Lipsius’s ‘Politicorum libri sex’ 



Abstract: Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) was among the most famed intellectuals in his time, and his thought stood at an important crossroads, incorporating both humanist and late Renaissance traits and precursors of the early modern age. Through the analysis of some passages from the Politica (1589), the contribution aims to underline some significant connections with the tradition of early Renaissance writers, particularly Petrarch and Machiavelli. Although not a … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 16, Varia | Lascia un commento

L’epistemologia politica contemporanea: un’analisi critica






Lorenzo Rustighi 

 Lorenzo Rustighi: Università degli Studi di Padova, FISSPA (; ORCID: 0000-0002-7962-3774). 





Contemporary Political Epistemology: A Critical Analysis 



Abstract: This paper critically engages with some of the most relevant theoretical trends in contemporary political epistemology, focusing especially on epistemic democracy, epistocracy, and lottocracy. After briefly underscoring how these theories, although very different, aspire to ground the legitimacy of political obligation upon the truth value of deliberative processes, this contribution suggests that they all depend on generic assumptions related to the mainstream concept of democracy, without exposing the latter, in turn, to any kind of epistemological inquiry … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 16, Varia | Lascia un commento

Milieux historiques’, storia, tempo e politica: Marx tra i “quaderni etno-antropologici” e la lettera a Vera Zasulič (1879-1882)





Elia Zaru 

 Elia Zaru: Università di Bologna (; Orcid: 0000-0002-2576- 2138). 





‘Milieux historiques’, History, Time, and Politics: Marx between the “Ethno-Anthropological Notebooks” and the Letter to Vera Zasulich (1879-1882) 



Abstract: This essay aims to show the presence of a theory of plural temporality in the so-called “last” Marx. It also seeks to highlight how such a theory contrasts both the teleological conception of history and the idea of the revival of the archaic as a possibility for future communism. The first section examines the concept of “milieux historiques” as it appears in the 1877 letter Marx … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 16, Varia | Lascia un commento

Recensione a M. Marcheschi – Storie naturali delle rovine. Oggetti e forme del tempo nella Francia dei philosophes (1755-1812)






 Aurora Librizzi 



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Recensione a R. Finelli e M. Gatto – Il dominio dell’esteriore. Filosofia e critica della catastrofe






Emanuele Martinelli



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 Storia, antropologia, tecnologia

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Pubblicato in Copertina, NUMERO 15 | Commenti disabilitati su CONSECUTIO RERUM, ANNO VIII, NUMERO 15 (1/2023-2024)




Roberto Finelli, Introduzione
Carlo Crosato, Linguaggio e intersoggettività. Dalla Fenomenologia dello spirito alla Diskursethik habermasiana
Paolo Castaldo, Quale soggetto in Hume?
Giulia Marotta, Non siamo mai stati coevi. Per una storicizzazione della soggettività intraspecifica dell’ontological turn
Francesco Marchesi, L’uso dell’evento. Trasformazioni dell’idea di storicità nell’opera di Michel Foucault (1966-1971)
Andrea Cengia e Massimiliano Tomba, Storia, Scienza e materialismo. Ripensando Franz Borkenau
Paolo Murrone, Metabolismo ed ecologia. La frattura del ricambio materiale dall’ecomarxismo a Marx
Agostino D’Amico e Enrico Sacco, Il rapporto tra natura non umana e accomulazione capitalistica. Una riflessione critica a partire dalla teoria di Nancy Frazer
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Pubblicato in Indice, NUMERO 15 | Commenti disabilitati su Indice




Roberto Finelli 


Università degli Studi di Roma Tre (



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Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 15 | Commenti disabilitati su Introduzione

Linguaggio e intersoggettività. Dalla Fenomenologia dello spirito alla Diskursethik habermasiana

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11093776



 Carlo Crosato

 Università degli Studi di Bergamo (; ORCID: 0000-0002-0439- 3249).


Language and Intersubjectivity: From the Phenomenology of Spirit to Habermas’ Diskursethik 

Abstract: In this paper I aim to trace an itinerary through Hegelian Phenomenology to Jürgen Habermas’ Diskurethik. Hegel lays the groundwork for placing relationality at the origin of self-consciousness and addresses the problem of plurality of perspectives on the world, seeking a solution in the linguistic medium. Habermas draws on Hegel’s thought, identifying a structural ethicality underlying our communication. 
Keywords: Language; Intersubjectivity; Diskursethik; Hegel; Habermas. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 15 | Commenti disabilitati su Linguaggio e intersoggettività. Dalla Fenomenologia dello spirito alla Diskursethik habermasiana

Quale soggetto in Hume?



 Paolo Castaldo 

Università degli Studi di Salerno (; ORCID: 0000-0003- 2442-0942). 


Which Subject in Hume? 

Abstract: In Hume’s scholarship the notion of “subject” lacks systematic analysis. First, because it is often confused with words such as “self ”, “soul” or “person”, which repeatedly occur in the Treatise. Another reason is that the subject is almost always reduced to the famous question of personal identity. In this paper I argue that, on the one hand, the concept of subject has to be distinguished from that of “self ” or “person”, and from the question of personal … Continua a leggere

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Non siamo mai stati coevi. Per una storicizzazione della soggettività intraspecifica dell’ontological turn

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11094012


 Giulia Marotta 

 Università di Bologna (; ORCID: 0009-0006- 5356-5592).


We Have Never Been Contemporary: For a Historicization of the Intraspecific Subjectivity of the Ontological Turn 

Abstract: Analysing the ontological turn’s fundamentals, this paper aims at highlighting inherent contradictions within this theoretical framework, particularly concerning the denial of coevity between an ‘us’ and a ‘them’, imposed by Viveiros de Castro. The Brazilian anthropologist advocates for a methodological revolution in ethnography, achievable through the metamorphosis across different prospectives-ontologies: only by fully embodying the Other, entering their worlds and destroying our own initial subjectivity – and thus … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica, NUMERO 15 | Commenti disabilitati su Non siamo mai stati coevi. Per una storicizzazione della soggettività intraspecifica dell’ontological turn