Ucraina: il bambino conteso


Anna Maria Sassone



Abstract: The author, drawing on her own experience as a psychoanalyst, focuses in a few lines on the dynamics peculiar to all conflicts, both personal and collective. She assumes a reading in which the internal and external worlds reflect each other, just as the universal reflects the personal. Wars, all wars, starting with the war in Ukraine, should be approached in the same way as a child disputed by parental ‘superpowers’, by considering and understanding the reasons of all the parties involved in order to avoid any form of totalitarian Manichaeism. Children caught … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 11, Varia | Lascia un commento

Verso l’affermazione di un bricolage confusionista? Note su La grande confusion. Comment l’extrême droite gagne la bataille des idées


Andrea Girometti

 Dottore di ricerca presso il DESP – Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo” 


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Recensione a Andrea Marchili, Aspettando i barbari. Democrazia e crisi della società nella Francia dell’Ottocento (Mimesis Edizioni, 2021)


Eugenia Gaia Esposito

 DISP – Sapienza Università di Roma (eugeniagaia.esposito@uniroma1.it)


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Recensione a Giorgio Fazio, Ritorno a Francoforte. Le avventure della nuova teoria critica (Castelvecchi, Roma 2020)


Andrea Di Lorenzo

 DSPS – Università degli Studi Firenze (andreadilorenzo1@live.it)


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Recensione a Vijay Prashad, Proiettili a stelle e strisce. Il libro nero dell’imperialismo americano (Red Star Press, 2021)


Valerio Spositi

 Università degli Studi Roma Tre (valerio.spositi@uniroma3.it)


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Recensione a Marco Ivaldo, Sul male. Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel (ETS, 2021)


Ilaria Ferrara

 I.I.S.F. Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Napoli


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Pubblicato in NUMERO 11, Recensioni e segnalazioni | Lascia un commento

Consecutio rerum 10, anno V (2/2020-2021)

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A cura di Laura Turano e Emanuele Martinelli

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EMANUELE MARTINELLI & LAURA TURANO, Ideologia e soggettività


Monografica (I)

ROBERTO FINELLI, Fortuna e sfortuna dell’ideologia: una breve storia (parte prima)
FABIO A. SULPIZIO, L’ideologia francese. Cabanis e Destutt de Tracy oltre Gramsci


Monografica (II)

MARCO GATTO, L’esposizione come ideologia del contemporaneo. Riflessioni a partire da Gramsci
ALESSIO FRAU, L’ideologia fra religione e mito. Per un itinerario storico-concettuale nei Quaderni del carcere di Antonio Gramsci
CAMILLA SCLOCCO, Antonio Gramsci e le scienze sperimentali


Monografica (III)

MATTHEW LAMPERT, Ideology Without Dupes: Althusser’s Materialist Theory of Ideology
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Pubblicato in Indice, NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Ideologia e soggettività


Emanuele Martinelli e Laura Turano


[1] Il presente volume di “Consecutio Rerum” è dedicato al concetto di ideologia. Pur trattandosi, infatti, di un concetto sfuggente nel quale sono confluite interpretazioni filosofiche, politologiche, sociologiche, storiche e scientifiche di diversa natura, il dibattito che ne è sorto è stato uno dei fenomeni culturali che più di tutti ha influenzato la storia del Novecento, benché negli ultimi cinquant’anni l’analisi e la critica dell’ideologia sia stata apparentemente accantonata dagli studiosi. Continua a leggere

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Fortuna e sfortuna dell’ideologia: una breve storia (parte prima)


Roberto Finelli


Università degli Studi di Roma Tre





Abstract: The concept of “ideology” has acquired a complex multiplicity of meanings in the history of modern thought. They range from a positive interpretation of the concept to a profoundly negative interpretation. The first part of this essay illustrates the birth of the term during the late Enlightenment to clarify the three different definitions of ideology present in Marx’s work. In fact, in Marx’s thought ideology moves from a superstructural position to a position in the structure, according to what is treated the theme of Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (I), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

L’ideologia francese. Cabanis e Destutt de Tracy oltre Gramsci


Fabio A. Sulpizio


Università del Salento




Abstract: The Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci are today acknowledged as a classic of Twentieth-century social theory, Philosophy and theory of Ideology. This essay proposes to make a contribution to the reflexion upon the French Ideology, namely the philosophy of Destutt de Tracy and Cabanis; Gramsci’s interpretation of Idéologues is the first step towards a new theory of Revolution in opposition to French Revolution.

Keyword: Ideology, Destutt de Tracy, Cabanis, French Revolution, French materialismContinua a leggere

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L’esposizione come ideologia del contemporaneo. Riflessioni a partire da Gramsci


Marco Gatto


Università della Calabria





Abstract: The article explores the concept of “exposition” to underline the ideological structure of contemporary capitalism, conceived as a processual totality. The aim is to demonstrate the paradoxical condition of ideology’s criticism under late capitalism, with the proposal of reconsidering totality as the only one way to understand advanced postmodernity. Starting from Gramsci, the article moreover offers a reflection on the fate of dialectical thought in a world completely dominated by a theoretical immanence without depth.

Keywords: Postmodernism, Criticism, Totality, Gramsci, IdeologyContinua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (II), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

L’ideologia fra religione e mito. Per un itinerario storico-concettuale nei Quaderni del carcere di Antonio Gramsci


Alessio Frau


Università degli studi di Cagliari





Abstract: The essay tries to find a path in the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci in order to highlight the meaning of the concept of ideology in contrast with the concept of religion set up by Benedetto Croce and, at the end, of the concept of myth set up by Georges Sorel. Specifically, following the most up-to-date philological research, the paper analyses diachronically the gramscian notes together with the epistolary exchange between Gramsci, his sister-in-law Tatiana Schucht and his friend and comrade Piero Sraffa, written during Continua a leggere

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Antonio Gramsci e le scienze sperimentali


Camilla Sclocco






Abstract:This article reconstructs the conception of experimental sciences elaborated by Gramsci in his Prison Notebooks, by means of the diachronic and historicist criteria laid out by the new season of Gramscian studies opened by the activities of the National Edition of Gramsci’s works. The first paragraph investigates the historical and cultural reasons involved in the little attention for Gramsci’s reflections on sciences and traces some passages referring to the history of Italian intellectuals between the second postwar period and the 1960s. It is found that the first interpretations in the 1950s Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (II), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Ideology Without Dupes: Althusser’s Materialist Theory of Ideology


Matthew Lampert


Northeast Texas Community College


Abstract: I begin this essay by explaining several problems with ideology critique. First, it has a tendency to conflict with or undercut the goals of critical theory (Robin Celikates calls these “political-strategic” problems). Second, the theory of ideology rests on problematic ontological commitments and empirical assumptions. These charges, I argue, offer compelling reasons to reject ideology critique as a component of any emancipatory critical theory. And yet, there continues to be a distinct need for something like ideology critique within any critical social theory; we recognize many instances in which Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (III), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

La fabbrica dell’intelligibilità e il passaggio per l’immaginario. Una notation merleau-pontyana in Leggere il Capitale


Luca Pinzolo


Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca





Abstract: The reading of some passages of Reading the Capital by Louis Althusser suggests that Althusser would have recognized in Merleau-Ponty the possibility of structural causality, however folded into a – certainly conscious and intentional – ontology of the imaginary: it is in this imaginary that we mystify but, at the same time, an adequate way to think about the relationship between structure-infrastructure-superstructure can be seen. This confrontation with Merleau-Ponty’s ontology is perhaps linked to Althusser’s late admission that he had built an imaginary MarxismContinua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (III), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Ideology and Immanent Critique. On Mannheim, Althusser, and Adorno


Markus Gante & Felix Schneider


Ruhr-Universität Bochum


FernUniversität in Hagen




Abstract: The aim of this paper is to distinguish between two approaches to the notion of ideology. (i) Firstly, the all-encompassing notion of ideology, which stems from a view of society as total and without exterior. The two positions we subsume under this header, regardless of their substantial differences, are the sociology of knowledge as put forward by Mannheim and the Spinozist Marxism of Althusser. We argue that both positions ultimately fail to adequately address the problems of relativism and justified Continua a leggere

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“Le degré d’élucidation d’un concept ne peut jamais atteindre à l’absolu”. Plasticité et fécondité du concept d’idéologie chez Karl Mannheim


Sébastien Roman

ENS de Lyon. Laboratoire Triangle UMR 5206





Abstract:Ideology and Utopia is difficult to read, due to Mannheim’s writing. Not only Mannheim expresses sometimes in an abstruse manner, but also assumes in this book the experimental nature of his thought. Indeed, the sociology of knowledge is still in its infancy. Ideology and Utopia is voluntarily a heterogeneous book, divided into chapters which are like sketches. They are essays, only essays, which are not logically linked. The concept of “Ideology” is the proof of its voluntary heterogeneity. Mannheim provides several successive definitions of Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (IV), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Bourdieu: la science des idéologies


Jacques-Louis Lantoine







Abstract: Despite the diffidence Pierre Bourdieu increasingly showed towards the Marxist concept of ideology, his attempt to produce a scientific explanation of ideological discourses by means of the sociological concept of field as well as his anthropology of dispositions appears as a reworking of the notion as it is found in Marx, Engels, and even Althusser’s works. Ideologies cannot be understood as mechanical effects directly caused by an infrastructure, nor as a false consciousness. Other concepts that Bourdieu proposed as substitutes, such as “symbolic violence”, “symbolic power“or “sociodicy”, may Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (IV), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Can critical theory work without the concept of ‘ideology’? A Bourdieusian alternative perspective


Corrado Piroddi


Tampere University





Abstract: Analyzing Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of field and habitus, as well as his theory of social reproduction, the paper aims at showing how Pierre Bourdieu’s perspective constitutes a valid theoretical candidate for developing a conception of domination that aims at going beyond the ideas of ideology and false consciousness. In this respect, the paper highlights how a focus on objective and subjective structural factors can contribute to explaining the stabilization and reproduction of unfair social orders without postulating a weakening of social actors’ critical skills.

Keywords:Pierre Bourdieu, habitus, Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (IV), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Ferruccio Rossi-Landi. Per una semiotica dell’ideologia


Giorgio Borrelli

Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”





Abstract: Ideology is undoubtedly one of the main themes of Ferruccio Rossi-Landi’s (1921-1985) research. Starting from different interpretative approaches, Rossi-Landi developed a semiotic analysis of this Marxian concept. In this paper I will illustrate the fundamental characteristics of Rossi-Ladi’s theory. First of all, I will consider one of his most pioneering hypothesis: Rossi-Landi proposes an innovative interpretation of the relationships between structure and superstructure, considering sign-systems as the mediating element in the relations between the two levels. Then, I will explain why Rossi-Landi consider Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (IV), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Linguaggio, ideologia e (ri)produzione: da Gramsci e Rossi-Landi alla ‘Fabbrica 4.0’


Matteo Pirazzoli & Lorenzo Lodi

Scuola Normale Superiore


Scuola Internazionale di Alti Studi “Scienze della Cultura”- Fondazione San Carlo



Abstract:The fundamental connection which Gramsci identifies among social praxis, language and consciousness has a common thread with the analysis of social reproduction, sign systems and ideology by Rossi-Landi. The thought of these authors is explored here, highlighting its roots in the Marxist tradition and its relations to Lukàcs’ understanding of the ‘ontology of social being’. Then, aiming to illustrate the fruitfulness and actuality of such theoretical framework, the reflections of Gramsci and Rossi-Landi are … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (V), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Anatomia della nazione. Dalla formula trinitaria alle forme della produzione di popolazione


Francesco Aloe

Chiara Stefanoni


Università di Bergamo






Abstract: Following Althusser and the Neue Marx Lektüre’s approach to Marx’s critique of political economy, this article aims to reconstruct the structural anatomy of capitalist societies, showing, alongside the forms of use-value production, the necessary emergence of specific social forms of population production process along lines of race, gender and species. The analysis of the Trinity Formula shows how labour and capital appear in this enchanted world as equally necessary so much so that they constitute the anatomy of that “imaginary community” called the nation. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (V), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Is Naturalism an Ideology?


Thomas J. Spiegel


Universität Potsdam





Abstract:This paper argues that naturalism has a special logical status that differentiates it from other philosophical perspectives. Such a peculiar status can be grasped particularly by the expressions of the “worldview” and “ideology”. Indeed, naturalism is not just a purely philosophical thesis, but rather a current of thought that is interwoven in cultural and social processes in an unusual manner for a philosophical debate. The article proceeds as follows. Part 1 reconstructs the concept of naturalism as scientific naturalism, which can be shared both by proponents and opponents … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Monografica (V), NUMERO 10 | Lascia un commento

Il luogo neutrale: critica di un’ideologia della conoscenza


Giulia Bergamaschi

Università degli studi di Roma Tre





Abstract: This essay aims to portray and criticize the ideologic background that encompasses some current ways of thinking and, specifically, debating, that we can see spread among the public discourse. These modalities refer to the concept of neutrality. We want to represent a particular way of describing, thinking, and justifying the knowledge through a broad conception of neutrality: neutrality of the source – which can be a person or pieces of evidence; neutrality of the intentions – knowledge does not take sides, thus the supposed Continua a leggere

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Art between Knowledge and Ideology. The Place of Ideology in Materialist Histories and Theories of Art


Jeremy Spencer


Camberwell College, University of the Arts London




Abstract:This essay deals with the art and ideology relation theoretically and historically. It considers how the relation was conceived in the work of Marxist scholars of art and culture and in Althusserian Marxism. The focus is the theorisation of this relation and this relation as the foundation for a political aesthetics and a critique of discipline of art history. This paper addresses the specificity of the art history that emerged from this relation as a methodological approach and the claim that its foregrounding enables us … Continua a leggere

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Historical examples in Hobbes’s political science


Odile Tourneux

ENS Lyon – Laboratoire Triangle UMR 5206




Abstract: Hobbes never has a rest to criticize speech that is full of imagery, and to blame the resort to metaphorical discourse. Words have to be unambiguous in order to reach real scientific knowledge. The project of the Elements of Philosophy relies on clear language. Nevertheless, the reader discovers many examples in the Elements, in On the Citizen and in both Leviathans. Hobbes finds in historical literature especially many stories he adds to his argumentation. If those examples simply illustrate his analysis, this rhetorical Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 10, Varia | Lascia un commento

Intervista a Franco Ferrarotti su “Ideologia, Sociologia e paesaggi piemontesi”


a cura di Emanuele Martinelli



Nota biografica: Franco Ferrarotti, nato nel 1926 a Palazzolo Vercellese, è lo studioso che massimamente ha contribuito a introdurre e a sviluppare nella cultura italiana la sociologia, quale nuova scienza storica e sociale. E’ stato il vincitore nel 1960 della prima cattedra di Sociologia messa a concorso in Italia. È stato il fondatore e l’animatore dell’Istituto di Sociologia dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, a partire dall’anno accademico 1963/1964. Ma già nel 1951 aveva creato I Quaderni di Sociologia insieme a Nicola Abbagnano, dando vita poi nel 1967 a La Critica sociologica, Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in NUMERO 10, Varia | Lascia un commento